Here we are at New Years Eve! Can you believe another year has passed on by?!? And according to the
Unstuck App lately, I've been an "Idle Achiever". But thankfully I bit the bullet and got some help and hopefully this site/blog updating is going to happen sooner than later now! So if things look a little wonky over the next couple days.. that's what's up!
The last couple months sorta tanked! I know I'm not the only one that's been riding this roller coaster. And I've been more than grateful for the experiences, opportunities, goals I've met, failures from attempts this last year has brought me, as well as for the new ideas that keep pushing me further! I'll definitely be harnessing up this fabulous Capricorn New Moon energy that is in my 6th house of routines tomorrow! And with the year of the horse coming about at the end of January, did I happen to mention I'm a horse?; and this next year also being a "9" for me, I'm really expecting FANTABULOUS things this upcoming year!
I'll be straight.. have I made some excuses?! Probably so.. ok, let's be real; I have. But I also really had worked my fanny off too for a while and well, mama was tired! Everyone and anyone can face a burnout and I'm no exception! I really took the time though to plug back in to some things though too and did some more exploration with some readings and other processes, so I'm definitely excited to start sharing all of that fun stuff!!
At least I'm more confident now on where my attention needs focused... and maybe I can stop trying to be too much of a perfectionist! And also a procrastinator.. but we'll see on that one! LOL!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years!!!
I can
NOT wait!
Much love and MANY BLESSINGS!