Just as Venus will be reminding us to take stock of things, this Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 11th, will be challenging us individually to really break free from what's holding us back. Because Cancer is a sign that has a tendency to cling to the past, emotions may run deep as we try to figure out what will bring the depths of nurturing and security we're looking for.
The Sun and Moon are the 2 most important "planets" in your chart. Technically they aren't planets, but are luminaries, since they give off light! The Sun represents our emotional security or insecurities, temperament and attachments. The Moon is our feelings and our perception of emotions. When the Sun and Moon are activated together, it creates an intense energy flow between the Sun (consciousness) and the Moon (feelings).
Throughout the Moon's cycles, there is a death and rebirth happening. During the New Moon we let our instincts lead us. While in Cancer, focus will be on your feelings of dependency, home comforts, family matters, past memories, fears, and our true passions. This New Moon with it's Cancer/Capricorn influence will help us push past anything weighing us down and GET REAL with where we want our life's path to go!
Now don't get into a tizzy the all of a sudden things are magickally going to get figured out! That's not the point. The energy from eclipses is technically activated for about 6 months or so. But the focus needs to be baby steps. One small step leads to another, and another, and so on. Give yourself the peace in knowing there is always a new sunrise and sunset each and every day. This is the time to get back to your roots.
Everyone will feel this energy differently, just as I last talked about with the
Venus in Virgo post. Those with a planet or angle between 17 and 21 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn, may feel the strength of the eclipse more directly. So let's take a look at how this might effect your sign!
Aries (March 21 - April 19)- This Eclipse activates your 4th House, bringing focus to your home and family. Events from the past may unexpectedly have you thinking of how it affects you in the present. You might also find yourself wanting to tackle home projects that you've put off to make your home more how you've wanted it to be or if relocation has been on your mind, this may be the start of that action! Any social connections at your house are sure to bring you deep emotional satisfaction. Your appreciation for family is easily shown.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- You may feel a strong drive to achieve what you've been looking for through intellect and mental accomplishments as the Eclipse sits in your 3rd House of communication and intelligence. The 3rd House also indicates siblings and neighbors, so you may be inspired to work on the relationship and become closer. This will be a time to expand and communicate your ideas! If you have a special talent, you might find satisfaction in teaching others your skill. Since this is also a time of increased awareness, establishing a meditation routine may prove beneficial!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Finances will focus in heavily for with the Eclipse hanging out in your 2nd House of income and worth. It might be tough to realize what's serving it's purpose for you and what's expendable! Especially as Venus is making it's way through your 4th House, your home! You may be living beyond your means. A change may be necessary, but taking the leap of faith might just be what it takes to have you see what you're really living for! Humility can be a hard lesson to learn. You may start to question your understanding of security.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Here the Solar Eclipse is at it's most intense! If you've held yourself back due to fear of not succeeding, well you've already done just that! This Eclipse is represented in your 1st House, your personality and approach. You are not one to flaunt your ego, you genuinely care! Your will and self awareness are abundant! Don't let your Cancerian self hold that nurturing in, share it and spread the love! You have strong recuperative abilities that let you bounce back from any struggle that's been happening. Just be careful of impatience and compulsiveness.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)- With the Eclipse in your 12th House you may need to re-evaluate the signals you subconsciously broadcast. This is not the time to lose faith in your goals. but you might be surprised if you shift your focus from recognition for your actions to feeling fulfilled by the service you're providing. Do not give your control over to others thinking they have the answers. This is the time to listen to your inner voice, rely on your intuition and take time for some self contemplation. Evaluate things honestly and acknowledge your faults AND your virtues!
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)- This emotional Cancer Eclipse finds itself in your 11th House, the house of groups and friendships. You may find this energy as being restricted or be faced with pressure from others. With Venus now in your sign as well, you would do best to trust your actions are done with the best intentions. You may be the one that needs to take the lead in organizing a group experience if you want to spread your humanitarianism. At this time, you may find your interest in occult subjects are heightened as well and you can easily research the information you look for.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)- You might feel a struggle to make you place in the world with this Solar Eclipse in your 10th House of career success and status. If you're looking for power or fame, you need to realize it comes with price! Don't feel as though you are entitled to authority. Finding a balance between owning your power and when to give it over to someone else may key at this time. The ambition to succeed is there, be sure the reason you're working so hard is really what you want at the end result!
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)- This Solar Eclipse hits your 9th House of philosophy, higher education, traditions and spiritual matters. As Venus is in your 11th House, you may find yourself achieving the education you dreamed of, as the 11th House also shows our hopes and dreams! This also can be a time to travel (also 9th House) if your heart desires. This is not a time to be limiting of yourself or condescending, you'll need to keep an open mind. Use this time to find your inspiration and harness the energy to realize your highest hopes!
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)- As this Solar Eclipse finds itself in your 8th House, your house of shared resources, physical, psychological, spiritual and psychic evolution; you may experience this energy in many ways over the next couple of months! Your self esteem may find itself reborn, like the phoenix rising from the ashes! You feel things are at a turning point and you're ready to start doing things out of love rather than necessity! You are usually one that is honest and don't hold back what's on your mind. Stand true with what you feel and believe!
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)- You might find yourself looking at your relationships in a new light as the New Moon in Cancer is opposite your sign. This Eclipse finds itself in your 7th House of partnerships. You have been wanting emotional fulfillment and as Venus transits your 9th house, new ideas may weave their way into your life bringing you into contact with cultures you have been fascinated with. Perhaps learning a foreign language, or taking a meditation or yoga class will have you meeting those you would like to bring into your life! Now is a time to bring conscious expanding growth.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)- During this Eclipse, it'll hit your 6th House, house of health and daily routines. If things have been in a slump, it's time to see if the way you've been going about it is really the right way. You may be spreading yourself out a little too much! Try to find the focus you need as Venus finds itself in the transformative 8th House. Also, if you've had any health problems, now would be the time to address them. Establishing a routine for a healthy body and mind can be beneficial!
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)- This Eclipse finds you well and it lands in your 5th House, house of creativity, children and hobbies. There may end up being an emotional "block" that comes about, but it's more about the lesson that there's a time for play and a time when work needs to be done! This may further be enhanced by Venus in your 7th house. If you have children, take time to play games with them that you enjoyed.. or if your older, there's nothing wrong with a couple of beers for an adult game night either!
I hope the Eclipse's energy treats you well and helps open up experiences that will help us all along our way these next few months! If you have any questions regarding how the planets are affecting you personally, you can reach me at
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Many Blessings!!