Oops!! Yes, they're late... I know, I know! Things have been a little hectic lately with a possible move on the horizon and my schedule has been packed FULL this summer and now everyone getting ready to go back to school.... Mama Mia!! And since this IS the last week in the month, don't forget about
Summer Chillout Specials going on!! Anyways, they may be late, but hey.. there's still plenty of days left in the week! As always, if you have any questions.. toss them my way at my
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Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- You could be holding yourself back this week.. maybe you'll make a wrong move and won't be able to make the changes you've been wanting or you just know that right now isn't the time to rush into anything! The end is near, but it's not really an ending, but a beginning! Transformation is key to moving forward in life. But sometimes we can compromise our beliefs. Stay true in what you are wanting to achieve and try not to hold on to the situations that are no longer benefiting you. Now isn't the time to run blindly into anything new.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - This week will show you much love and happiness! It is a card of pure gratitude! This isn't a card of materialism, it is much more than what the physical nature of the world gives us. When time's are tough we are holding out for the hope that this card brings us. If there have been problems in your family or in relationships, this will be the time to put aside past disagreements and create harmony. On the flip side, if you shirk away from your responsibilities, you will find more trust and faith in yourself to finally make things right.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- You can find your work or business really flourishing this week! If you've been working on a new path with things, you'll see it starting to pay off! Alternatively, you may also find yourself starting a new health routine or actively wanting to take better care of yourself or your environment. While this card can be one of hopes and wishes, it is also one of verification and results of the work you're doing. Though there is a slight indication you may be too dependent on others at times, when you DO put your work in you feel total satisfaction with your efforts!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This week could leave you feeling like you're on a road trip without a map! And how frustrating would
that be?! You'll need to be careful with picking your battles, otherwise you could just be fighting for a lost cause. This won't be the time to try and figure it all out either. But with your lunar emotional self, don't blame yourself for trying! Your determination could wane when you don't find the results you're looking for and even if you feel stuck in the mud, you know this won't last forever. Give yourself a little bit of a break and see if someone close has any suggestions.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Instincts are everything this week! Like a baby bird taking flight for the first time.. there may be some bumps, but you know what's right and what you need to do. The choice is yours on whether or not to jump! You're ready to take things to the next level, but change can be scary for anyone. If you're hesitating, look at the reason for it. Just because others do things one way, doesn't mean it's the same way for you! If you find yourself met with opposition, just make sure you are being realistic in your expectations. Your determination will see you through.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You've had these plans in the works for a while and now it's time to give it a go! Though, just make sure you don't find yourself snapping at others if you start to fell they're getting in your way or taking up too much of your time. They just want you to take a break at some point!! But you might be working for their benefit and could even be happy with a little bit of isolation for a change. You'll just want to be sure you DO take a break or you could end up resenting all the hard work you're doing!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- This week could leave you feeling as though your relationships are on shaky ground, and your feelings may be equally warranted or they could be needless worry! Take the time to address your concerns and clear out any imbalances that are in the way. There could be inconsistencies with others or you may feel as though they aren't holding up their end of the deal. Don't become preoccupied by the obstacles if you can't seem to find a way to make it work. There could be a reason why the stability isn't there. Make sure all involved are working towards the same purpose!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- You're riding the wave of pleasure and abundance this week! It just seems to happen that way with you at times.. even when you wipeout, you get back up and go again! You've felt content with the way life has been playing out and even when you find yourself uninspired, you know it won't last forever. This card is one of material or physical gain, though it might come about in a way you hadn't expected. There's no reason for you to question it though, you're just happy that once again you're given exactly what you wanted. Just don't get too greedy!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Usually you're full of optimism, but this week you could be setting yourself up for a pretty big fall! This card is telling you to check yourself before you wreck yourself!! There's no reason to question everything, but if you're putting all your eggs in one basket or hoping that one change is all that's needed, then think again! You might need to reach out to someone who has a different outlook to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, otherwise you might keep the blinders on to what the problem really is.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- This week you could find yourself stuck in the past. Or maybe more of just wanting to pick and choose from the past what is fitting in your current situations! Don't dwell on the negatives or kicking yourself now for what you think you should've done. Each experience has it's purpose whether it be good or bad. You'll realize that it's made you exactly who you are! Embrace that!! And remember that some people's rock bottom is another's middle ground. Everyone has their own pain AND pleasure tolerance. You'll need to find where your balance is on your own.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- You'll be sharing the fruits of your labor with others this week! And if success has been out of your reach, you'll be rewarded by the end of this week for the effort you've put in. This is a very selfless card and resonates with your humanitarian ways! You may also be reminded to be thankful of those that have stood by you in your conquests and of perseverance in all that you've endured. Share your wisdom with those that are near and dear and work with others to create their own happiness as well! After all, we're all in this together!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Though you're usually a very sweet and caring person, this week you could find your buttons pushed to the max and let out some temper tantrums that NO ONE would expect! Don't try to hide what it is you're upset about, but find a better way to deal with the situations that have been on your plate for a bit now. This is going to remind you to deal with things as they come rather than waiting until the last minute. Alternatively, you may find the work you've done is claimed by someone else. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of.
Many Blessings and have a GREAT rest of the week!!
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