It's that time again!! Some will call it Spring Break, but here we call it Tourist Takeover! Maybe that's why I have been finding more time to get some writing done! LOL! This is actually a picture from
TBO of
Clearwater Beach as of Wednesday.
Believe me, us locals know better than to go to the beach at this time... besides, the water is still too cold! ;) I really do love sharing the area with people from all over though! And right now there's probably some more people showing up since Selena Gomez (who got a visit from her BF Justin Bieber) and Vanessa Hudgens have been in the area filming a movie; aptly titled
Spring Breakers! I am so thankful we moved back here and will gladly take our tourist "season" over having cold, snow covered grounds of Winter! So with the start of Spring coming in just a few days.. let's see what this week has in store for the signs!
Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- With the Sun moving into Aries this week you might be getting a little ahead of yourself.. or you might be wasting your time and not really doing what's necessary to get what you want. Just make sure that you don't end up trying to bully or BS your way through things! Take a deeper look at things and see what it is you need to change about yourself. This is totally something that is all on you; you can't place the blame on anyone else at this point! You're ready to embrace the changes on the horizon, but you gotta make sure that you're ready to let go of the old routines and habits too!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- It could seem like things are at a crossroads and you might not even be close to knowing where you emotionally stand! Looking to others for their opinions may give you some more options to choose from, but it might also further your confusion on the decisions you need to make. You've found yourself in this spot before and realizing that you already have the answer will alleviate your stress much quicker if you just put these changes in motion. As much as you would like to put off making a decision, now isn't the time to be dragging your feet.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)- You might have everyone's best interests at heart, but they might not be ready to hear the truth. If you're used to taking a more direct approach, you could need to hold up as Mercury is still in a retrograde period and your point just won't be able to come across as clearly as you'd like it to! Have a little patience right now and things will end up being able to turn out positive. Sometimes you have to allow people to make mistakes in order for them to learn the lesson! Besides, you don't need to feel like a know-it-all all of the time!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Progress is being made this week and stability is just around the corner! Take this inspirational energy and put it to good use. Your ideas will bring about some good breakthroughs in ways you didn't think possible. You'll definitely see a difference in yourself and really realize what you're capable of! Your motivation levels are going to be pretty high this week as you continue to push yourself to achieve more! The opportunities that are coming about may have been something you've been working at in the past, but never really put the effort in. NOW is the time to get that recognition, so GO FOR IT!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- This week you might have to try and try again! But because you have the desire and a goal in mind, you'll see it through to the end. You know this is exactly the commitment you need to make to yourself to prove you can do it! You've reclaimed yourself in a sense and have a greater appreciation for just who you really are. You'll need to realize that there's going to mistakes and what you think to be "perfect" might not be what it appears to be. Be consistent in your efforts, be willing to accept criticism and you'll see your perseverance pay off!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Friendships could be more of a focus this week if you've been able to help someone out through a tough time recently. You'll definitely have feelings of being appreciated more! But if you want this gratitude to stick with you, you'll need to keep with the routine! Now won't be the time to start worry what will be your next conquest. Bigger doesn't always mean better!! Now is the time to review and reorganize things more in life rather than starting anew. As long as you keep going on your current path and don't mix things up you'll be on to a great victory!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- You might need to think about what you're doing and where you're really want things to go this week! Be careful what you wish for because if you aren't, you could get what you want only to realize that it was a horrible mistake! If you think security comes from finances or having someone because you see others as being happy, just remember that appearances are skin deep and there's always more that what is being seen on the outside! Whatever your concern, it will take work and you'll need to really look within to decide what the best course of action will be.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- Hard work pays off and slow and steady is the way it has been going! You might be feeling as though you're not accomplishing enough, quick enough by others standards. But take a step back and just breathe! As long as you are feeling like you are doing what needs to be done, don't worry about anyone's opinion! You know what it takes to make YOU happy and you don't need to measure your happiness or success by what you think others expect from you! Know that you are deserving of the success that comes and that it is all possible from the demanding work you are doing!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Since things have been going so well for you, it's time to spread the wealth! Or at least spread some good news or advice! Just be aware that you can't convince everyone to be optimistic like you are. Don't let this get you down as everyone has their own path to take! When working with others you'll see the differences really do help in making sure that all the bases get covered and you'll come to a better understanding that you don't have to take care of everything on your own. While things are going so good, take notice of the more subtle things you might normally overlook for a deeper appreciation!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- It may be time to face the facts and stop making excuses for either yourself or for others. You're going to have to really look inside yourself for the truth and be able to trust your decisions. You could come to the conclusion that certain people don't really need to be in your life. Don't let their neediness or drama consume you. It'll also going to be important that you keep your emotions under control so that you don't come across as unpredictable. You have your own problems to focus on! Move forward and allow yourself the happiness that you deserve!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 19)- Some how, some way, you are determined to find yourself a way out of this situation! You've been having a time of transformative thinking and may be catching some glimpse of what's to come. And while a compromise may come about, you have faith that you are being guided by a higher power and all things happen for a reason. You are willing to receive what you're given and are grateful for the lessons learned! This could mean you find yourself being able to help someone in a substantial way that could come from a sacrifice made by you. However things turn out, you know it is out of your hands!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)- If things seem to good to be true, they probably are! You'll need to be careful you're not trying to convince yourself that something is going to be what you need. It might seem a little frustrating if you feel like you're missing out, but exercise a little caution and patience if you expect to get ahead! You don't want to jump at the first opportunity to change things or you could miss the bigger picture and have to start all over at the beginning again! It'll be important to rely on yourself and not immediately trust what someone else is telling you. They might not have your best interests in mind!
I hope you enjoyed this week's Tarotscopes and if you'd like a reading, I can take a look at things more in depth! Feel free to send me a message at
facebook or my
Many Blessings and have a great week everyone!
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