This week starts off with a great day to be thankful for space exploration! May 20th is the anniversary of when the
Hubble telescope sent the first image and since that time back in 1990, the images that it has given us have been spectacularly beautiful and sometimes a little eerie! Definitely take a look at the gallery to see what's out in our vast Universe!
This week also is important for another reason... and this one is more serious. May 25th is National Missing Children's Day. The
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has some shocking statistics for children that are missing or abducted and also for children that are sexually exploited!
Earlier in the month the country was shocked when Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight were all found alive after being kidnapped and held for years! And while this isn't always the case in many situations, it does give hope to many. So please take a look at the website to get more safety information and also see if there could possibly be someone you have seen. You never know, you could save a life!!
And now onto the Tarotscopes!!
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- Emotions run strong this week and you'll be feeling you need to approach things differently than usual. Be careful that you don't throw caution to the wind or that you're just making excuses; either for yourself or for others. You might want to be aware of others intentions as well as this coming weekend's eclipse could hide the truth from you. While things may be a little back and forth, you'll still have the opportunity to explore new paths with things. Sometimes detours bring pleasant surprises! Stay strong with what you want to achieve and follow your intuition that will bring you closer to your dreams!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- You'll be given the opportunity to take things in a whole new direction if you allow yourself to believe that it's possible! While you might not be able to see the end result, you will have more confidence with your decisions. Others may question your motives at this time but you'll need to trust that you're making the right choice. With your ruling planet Venus in your 2nd house of values, you are putting your skills to good use this week. If you've been waiting for a raise or more money to come your way, this may be the time it comes about!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- This week brings about an immense amount of inner knowing. First the Sun moves into your sign at the beginning of the week and then on Saturday the Full Moon lunar eclipse is in your opposite sign of Sagittarius! While you may feel at times as though things are slipping out of balance, you will also see that you can go with the flow and allow yourself to trust that everything happens as it should. You might even find yourself with some secrets up your sleeve for another time! Just be careful that you don't force your will to get what you want!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- The Moon starts off the week in your 4th house of family and roots and you could be feeling a sense of nostalgia or longing of stability. And with the Full Moon lunar eclipse occurring in your 6th house of routines, you might be taking a closer look at what needs to happen to make things more secure. This could be a time where you re-evaluate your skills and whether you are putting them to good use! Others will also lend you some valuable advice that could steer you in a new direction to the path you seek! Allow yourself to feel the joy you create!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- While the Sun enters your 11th house of friendships at the beginning of the week, the Full Moon lunar eclipse in your 5th house of recreation may leave you a little cut off emotionally from others. You may be feeling the need to take some time to figure out just what you're really wanting from life. Fun and games can only last so long before you need to face responsibility. While you may feel like things are a struggle this week, you may find that letting others see your vulnerable side can get you the help you need! Leave your pride behind!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- There is quite a bit of focus in your 10th house of status and the 10th of pentacles can be seen as a card of wealth! With the Full Moon eclipse occurring your 4th house of stability, you could be rethinking just what it means to be "wealthy". Money doesn't buy happiness and you may be feeling it would be better to put more value into the deeper meaning of your environment than being caught up with keeping up with appearances. You normally like to keep things in a routine, but you may be feeling like this is getting to be too boring!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- You'll be thinking about a lot of things this week! Your ruling planet Venus is currently in your 9th house of philosophy and this coming weekends Full Moon eclipse occurs in your 3rd house of thought! Don't get too upset if you find yourself lost in your dreams and emotions. If you truly wanting things to change, you're going to need to put the effort in! You just can't wish them to be different! Face up to your responsibility with your actions or lack thereof. Be motivated about what it is you're after in life. Otherwise, it's going to keep passing on by!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- Expect life to be a little frustrating for you this week! You might want to throw your hands up and ask "WHY ME?"! There may even be a little bit of doubt in yourself and the abilities that you have as the Full Moon eclipse takes place in your 2nd house of self-worth. It may be surprising just how much others expect out of you too! But you have to take the good with the bad and keep it all in perspective. Your perception of the situation at hand is everything. It doesn't mean you're completely wrong, you just might not have anticipated things would be different than what you expected!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Things for you are taking an exciting turn as the Full Moon lunar eclipse happens in your sign! But that means that the Sun's energy is focused in your opposite 7th house of relationships and associations, also where your ruling planet Jupiter has been hanging out. If you've been working on a new approach with things, you'll see it starting to pay off! Business associates may start to bring you more work and you will be able gain solid ground financially. Alternatively, you could also be hearing some news about a home situation that may be bringing a change of residence in the near future!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- The image you are projecting this week may be one to cover up the hurt that you are feeling on the inside with the Full Moon lunar eclipse occurring in your 12th house of suffering. You may need to listen to that little voice for guidance. Even if you feel that you can still make things different, this could prolong yourself from healing from the situation. You need to start moving away from the things causing you the most burdens. Even if that means that it's done with tough love! Stand strong and show everyone that you know that you're worth it!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- This week definitely shows you that hard work and determination pays off! And with the Full Moon lunar eclipse in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, you will need to stay practical and not get too ahead of yourself. Life is always a work in progress, so you'll need to be aware of what you're really striving for. Make sure the reason you're putting all this effort in is for yourself and not because you're looking for approval from others. Give yourself a break and take the time to reflect inwardly and enjoy what's outwardly around you! You deserve it!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Your focus may be a little clouded this week and you might feel that it's hard to make any decisions. It could just be that you're over thinking things too much and feeling as though you don't want to end up making the wrong choice. Trouble is, you might only be left with options you no longer want! With the Full Moon lunar eclipse in your 10th house of ambition, you could be feeling like you're falling short of how much you have much to offer. Put some more faith and confidence in yourself and give yourself the opportunity for a learning experience either way it goes!
You may have noticed something a little different this week... WHERE THE HECK ARE THE REVERSALS?!? Well, after doing a little reading, doing some Tarot journaling, and then receiving some advice from
@LisaFLloyd.. I figured, why not see what happens. And I gotta say.. I didn't really notice a difference whether the cards showed up in reverse or if I turned them right side up. The info was still there showing up exactly how it should! So what do y'all think? Stick with the cards being upright or would you rather see them in their reversed draw? I originally had thought of another way I was going to approach this week's Tarotscopes, but then I wanted to save it for another time.. so be on the look out!
Alrighty, well hope you enjoyed this week's Tarotscopes! And if you would like me to take a look at things for ya; drop me a message at my
email or
Have a great week!