While I'm sure there's quite a few people enjoying their BBQs and there'll be parades and whatnot... It's important to remember WHY this holiday is really here for. Many of my family members are and were veterans; in fact I have my Grandfather's Navy dress blues saved in my cedar chest, my Uncle's field jacket from Vietnam, and my Great-Great-Great Grandfather's sword from the Civil War! My husband grew up in a military family and it wasn't an easy lifestyle having to move around the globe every few years. Sure he got some great experiences, but he also missed out on quite a bit too. I'm always surprised when he never saw so many of the classic 80s movies I loved as a kid since his family was stationed in Japan and Germany much of that time!! And then there are the families that are torn apart through the distance, the disabilities that happen, or even death. When you go to a place such as Arlington National Cemetery or even Pearl Harbor, the emotions run high! You can't help but to imagine the grief and loss that others have dealt with and the empathy that you feel towards others. And as much as I could go on and on about the subject of war and all that goes with it... this is where I need to stop and get these Tarotscopes posted! But I just simply want to say THANK YOU to all our servicemen and women of the armed forces!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- With your ruling planet Mars moving in Gemini and your 3rd house of environment on Friday where it'll join the Sun, you'll be feeling like everything is falling into place. A sense of community comes about and you'll feel grateful for the support that you receive from others. You've put a lot of work in to get to the point that you are at now and will be able to continue moving forward in your goals. While it is good to have pride in your accomplishments, just make sure that you don't show off! Stay in a place of gratitude so you can continue to prosper!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- This week may bring you some BIG financial changes! Your ruling planet Venus joins forces with Jupiter on Tuesday and allows you to put your focus into your dreams. As Mars joins into this Gemini energy in your 2nd house of finances on Friday, you'll be able to put the action behind these dreams to turn them into reality! This King is rather grounded and is also associated with Gemini so while you will want to hope for the best, you will be able to stay realistic with your expectations! Work hard and you'll be greatly rewarded so that you can play hard too!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- There is quite a bit of energy in your sign right now and with your ruling planet Mercury moving into Cancer and your 2nd house of self-worth; you may be questioning WHO you really are. Are you keeping your emotions too guarded and not letting others in or have you felt that you couldn't really go after your own dreams because of what others may think? You might need to take a deep look inside to know what path to take. But once you make the decision, you will need to make sure that it is what you want for your future as this will be long lasting.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- The Moon starts off the week in Capricorn, opposite of your emotional sign, so it's time to lead a little more with your head instead of your heart. This should be rather easy to manage for you as Mercury moves into your sign on Friday and will bring about a balance between your thoughts and emotions! However, you may be feeling a need to stand up for yourself or at least for the way you are going about things. If your focus has been based on the greater good and someone feels you're not giving them the attention they want, you might need to remind them of your purpose!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- With the Sun in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, this week you may be receiving some recognition for your efforts and this may be through a promotion, the approval of a loan or scholarship, or maybe even just a friend showing you their appreciation for the help you've given them! However it comes about you'll definitely be feeling accomplished! If you want this success to stick with you, you'll need to keep following your routine! Stay organized and make sure to be focused on the final outcome. You've cleared one hurdle, but there's still work to be done to be completely triumphant!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You'll be putting a lot of focus into your friendships and the groups that you associate with this week as your ruling planet Mercury moves over into Cancer on Friday. You could even find some inspiration to do more of what you love and might be motivated into turning a hobby into something profitable! Be open to all the impressions and "signs" that you'll receive, they will hold the answers to your path! Your strength and ambition will be able to carry you through, just make sure that you're appreciative of the ones around you. As much as you'd like to do things alone, it's important to have support!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Things may feel like they are reaching a climatic phase this week! And with your ruling planet Venus moving into your 10th house of ambition on Sunday, you'll need to make sure that you are working towards what your REALLY are wanting. Continuing in this decision will cleanse you from the ties that have held you down! The choices you've made haven't been easy and now you will be rewarded for your courageousness. Compromise isn't in your vocabulary any longer! Even if those around you don't understand your decision and feel you are being selfish, you KNOW this is what you need for your happiness.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- This week may just feel like you're in a dream as you're riding the waves of pleasure and abundance! Everything you thought was impossible is finally being manifested! And with the attitude you've had lately, you'll be more than happy to share your happiness with others. Your thoughts are exceptionally focused and the emotions that were causing your struggles have been put to rest. Now you get to really enjoy the changes you've created for yourself! If you can manage throwing a party this weekend you'll find yourself with the best get together in a while and creating long lasting memories! Truly love the life you're living, because it's all good!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- As Mercury and your ruling planet Jupiter join forces on Monday, you'll be able to see the bigger picture. Your good judgement and positive thinking brings about balance in your life! You may need to find some sort of common ground with those you are working with in order to come to a resolution. Be sure that extra money that you spend this week is a wise expenditure and not just something you could do without. While things may get to be frustrating, you'll be able to handle things with ease and grace. It might not be the easiest week for you, but it will bring about the hope for a better future!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- The Moon starts the week in your sign and will be making a beneficial aspect to your ruling planet Saturn and reminding you that slow and steady will bring what you need. While you do need to stick to a routine, it'll also be important to be flexible when the situation demands. And if the routine isn't working, it's time to figure out where the change needs to happen. This could also be from your own perception though.. maybe it's not the action, but what you THINK is happening isn't or vice versa. You could feel anxious by these decisions, just breathe deep and you'll make it through.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Even though you'll be faced with some obstacles, you'll need to make sure you're playing fair this week! You might be feeling as though you're justified for the way that you're going about things, but choose your words wisely or you could end up looking like you're trying to create problems that aren't there! Don't become too frustrated if others are pushing your buttons more than normal. You can usually see all sides to a situation, but right now it could be tough to know who is being honest. You'll need to stay far away from feeding into any negative energy. You know what's right from wrong. Take the higher ground!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- While the Moon makes a constructive aspect to your ruling planet Neptune on Monday, you're going to have to really look inside yourself for the truth and be able to trust your decisions. Be careful not to get caught up in anything too superficial this week! If you're looking for some sort of acceptance, find it within yourself. Make sure that you are able to say "NO" if you need to so that you don't feel yourself being taken advantage of! It'll be really important to have some moderation with things otherwise you might be feeling like your wants and needs aren't being met and you're facing critical burnout!
Well, there we have it! I hope everyone is having a happy and SAFE Memorial Day weekend! And if you're real lucky, you may just have tomorrow off from work too!! But as always if you'd like me to take a look at things, feel free to send me a message at
facebook or my
email and I'll be more than happy to help!!
Have a wonderful upcoming week!
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