I had to really laugh at a couple of the back to school memes I've been seeing! Things really have been a hustle and bustle lately. Dealing with a sick, depressed cat was no fun... and then guess what? The master shower decides it's going to leak! Thankfully my wonderful husband was able to fix it rather easily even though plumbing is his least favorite thing to work on! But there won't be no breaks from kiddo's here with school.. but that's alright too. I'm more than happy to take charge of their education! It definitely makes working on a new house tough though when you're trying to juggle it between working, naps, school work, house work and everything in between! I keep waiting for that relaxing time where something isn't broke or everything just seems to magically flow... but I think I'm going to be waiting for a while for that! LOL! Anyways... hope the back to school craziness doesn't leave you too exhausted and may the wake up fighting be minimal! For now you can just enjoy this week's Tarotscopes... maybe with a glass of wine!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- You could be feeling like you've been trying to keep things in check while Mars has been in Cancer, but you might be hindering any progress by playing things safe now. This week is going to end up reminding you that sometimes you have to let go and try not to force it. You'll still need to put in the effort, but don't feel like you have to really make it all happen at once! You need to give yourself more credit! Have faith you're doing the right thing and you'll be able to see that you can accomplish what you have your heart set on.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- Your ruling planet Venus just moved into Libra last Friday and your 6th house of work and you could just be feeling as though you haven't been true to your calling. Step away from your comfort zone and listen to what you're feeling! Especially on Saturday when Venus squares off with Pluto in your 9th house of ideals. If you need to speak the truth, have some conviction with it if you want others to take you seriously. Just don't say the words, you need to back them up and make sure you do something! You know it's time for something more substantial and meaningful!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Mercury's moving into reliable Virgo and your 4th house of stability this Friday and you may receive some news you weren't expecting. Even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear, just realize that there's good reason for it and is meant to be helpful, not hurtful. Though it might feel more hurtful in a way or you just needed to be more honest with your own emotions. You'll need to stay levelheaded with things if you expect it to be an easier recovery. Don't lose your hope though, there's always a way to transform what is going on into something positive!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- The Full Moon in Aquarius and your 8th house of sharing on Tuesday has you feeling like you need to give more to those around you. Maybe your focus has been diverted in a million directions lately and you've lost site of what's right in front of you. This week has you able to bring things into a balance with Venus now shining in your 4th house of home life. If you've focused too much on work, you'll be able to have things slow down a little and will be able to take a little time for your own enjoyment too! You've got things taken care of.. relax!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- The Sun's finishing out it's time in your sign this week and moves into Virgo on Thursday and your 2nd house of values. And with the Aquarius Full Moon hitting your 7th house of relationships on Tuesday, you might be feeling like you've been focusing too much on yourself and not others. It's time to reach out and open up more with your feelings and let yourself merge your emotions with others. Be careful not to let jealousy get in the way of getting closer to someone. You could find a resourceful friend is able to help you figure out where you stand in some situations.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Things seem like they're really coming together for you this week as first the Sun moves into your sign on Thursday and then your ruling planet Mercury moves into your sign on Friday! You haven't been having the easiest of times lately, but you've put in your time and effort and are able to give yourself a little bit of a break to sit back and look at what you've accomplished. Venus being in your 2nd house of self-worth has you feeling rather proud, and you could find yourself with some extra acknowledgement for your hard work too! Get ready for some more motivation to keep you moving ahead!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Even though your ruling planet Venus has been in your sign for a few days, you might be feeling a sense of struggle as the Sun moves from your 11th house of hope and into your 12th house of endings on Thursday. While you know it's time to really allow yourself to transform into doing the best that you can, there's a part of you that fears that you might end up failing. You'll need to push past that and stay realistic that things can't always be peachy keen either. Don't worry though, you'll be able to balance it out and will remain optimistic!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)- The Full Moon in Aquarius in your 4th house of inner emotions on Tuesday leaves you feeling somewhat looking for some common ground. Things may be moving in a new direction with the Sun moving into your 11th house of dreams on Thursday, you're able to feel that everyone is putting their efforts in to make things come together. Don't let yourself feel frustrated if you go about things in your own ways, you'll be able to find a compromise. Even if things are feeling like they're hard to handle you'll be able to remember what's brought you to this point in the first place. Keep your focus on the bigger picture!

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)- You'll be feeling completely blessed this coming week! The Full Moon in Aquarius and your 3rd house of communication brings things to another level of feeling in tune with others. Though you may be still facing some "temptation" or might want to find an easier way around things, with the Sun moving into your 10th house of reputation on Thursday you'll be feeling that you need to be dependable for someone. You may be going through your own transformation and healing and will be able to get support from others to make your own aspirations a possibility! Embrace what you have to offer and what other's can give to you!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- This week has you contemplating quite a bit! What you thought was going to bring you happiness seems like it hasn't really lived up to your expectations. The Aquarius Full Moon on Tuesday in your 2nd house of self-worth has you wondering if you can pull things off on your own. And when the Sun moves into Virgo and your 9th house of travel on Thursday with Mercury following the next day, you'll start thinking a new change of scenery might be just what you're needing. Reach out to others and see if they can give you some suggestions before making a serious decision!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- First the Full Moon in your sign on Tuesday has you feeling a little pulled in different directions and then on Wednesday Jupiter in your 6th house of routines squares your ruling planet Uranus in your 3rd house of communication and you could fin yourself feeling like you need to agree to something even if you know you'll be putting yourself out. The Sun's movement into your 8th house of sharing on Thursday has you feeling you need to give more to others. Don't commit to something if you know it'll cause you more stress! You'll only end up creating more problems to handle later. Slow down a little.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- You could be feeling like no one understands you this week as the Full Moon on Tuesday illuminates your 12th house of solitude. Make sure to take responsibility in your situation and don't cast the blame around! With the Sun moving into your 7th house of commitments, if you feel like you're letting others down or they aren't meeting your expectations you may need to have a talk even if you have anxiety over it. Just be careful on Sunday as Mercury ends up opposing your ruling planet Neptune and you might misunderstand what others have to say or could just be agreeing without really listening!
And there we have it; another week of Tarotscopes!! Sorry again for missing last week's. Now I'm on to go do some fun things like finishing up some trim painting and pricing out some tile! Any questions, suggestions, read request.. send me an
email or msg at
Hope y'all have a great week!
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