I just had to LOL about this! Ahh the last bit a push for summer. Thankfully it'll still be warm enough for me, but lots of my friends up north have been saying it's already been pretty darn cold! I can not wait to see what they'll be saying about winter! And for my international friends, they don't have this same holiday.. but I have seen some celebrating Father's Day, which was cute too! Holidays can be fun.. but stressful sometimes. You know, family craziness and all! As much as I would love to go put some joint compound on my son's ceiling to get started with the redecorating in his room, I think I'm going to pour myself a nice glass of sangria and maybe enjoy a night off! Everyone needs to take a break sometimes! So if you've been feeling overstressed or anxious lately, remember to take some time for yourself! You can start by reading your Tarotscopes! So here we go...

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- You're starting to feel like things are evening out for you this week! The security you've been longing for seems to be bringing you some more comfort and you'll be able to relax and enjoy some time with others. With the Sun in your 6th house of work making a sextile to Jupiter in your 4th house of family on Saturday, you'll be feeling as though brighter days are still yet to come and you're going to be able to bring about even more success. Be grateful for any help or assistance that you've receive and make sure that you let them know you appreciate it. You might need it again soon!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- The Virgo New Moon in your 5th house of pleasure on Thursday has you feeling you have to take care of some needs. This isn't a time to feel like you are being selfish, it really is more that you need to replenish yourself! You'll know that in order to bring about more growth, you need to tend to yourself so you feel whole. Take this week to think about the resources you have to offer and you could find a whole new way to go about bringing yourself some more happiness that could be tied to a money making opportunity!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- With your ruling planet Mercury making semi-squares to both Mars in your 3rd house of communications and Saturn in your 6th house of daily activities this week, you might be feeling some minor frustrations and that you're ready to put aside any negativity and doubts that are holding you back from seeing the bigger picture. Shrug off the feeling that you need to have everything in place before you take a step or you'll be stuck in planning mode, without putting any action in place! Anything that seems to be an obstacle is able to be managed, you just have to not talk yourself out of it!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This week's New Moon on Thursday comes about in your 3rd house of thought and you could be feeling misunderstood, maybe a little depressed, or darn right aggravated with things! Stop the mental wheels from grinding! Especially since you might be making a big deal out of nothing. Either way your feelings stand or sway, you'll need to focus on the details and not get caught up in everything else that is happening or you'll be jumping from one thing to the next without cleaning up your first mess. Take a step back and make sure to compose yourself and just slow down!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- First you will have the New Moon in your 2nd house of self-worth and this will leave you feeling as though you have the support of another. It seems like others are going to have your back this week and you'll really appreciate how it brings out your confidence! Then your ruling "planet" the Sun makes a sextile to Jupiter in your 12th house of endings, enabling you to move past any insecurities and seeing that you do possess the capabilities to bring things in a whole new direction! This week will feel like a lot will be able to be completed while moving forward with a heightened awareness!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Mercury in your sign in your 1st house of self is semi-squaring Mars in your 12th house of secrets on Monday and Saturn in your 3rd house of communication on Wednesday! If you've been holding back from making yourself feel vulnerable, you'll have a tough time keeping it together. There's no where to go but forward now at least! The New Moon on Thursday in your sign is the perfect time to let go of holding on to things that are no longer their need or value. If you can rejoice in putting something to rest and free yourself from the burden, you'll be able to let the wounds heal!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- The New Moon in your 12th house of fears on Thursday will bring a release! And you'll just feel like you have a completely new outlook with things. Just be careful you're not ignoring your responsibilities, you still need to be able to put some action behind these ideas! You know you can do a little better than you have been, it's just time to have the faith and courage to see it through! Take some time this week to notice the prompts you are receiving. Your intuition will help you make clearer decisions with the steps to take. Put the trust in yourself!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)- On Monday as Mercury in your 11th house of wishes semi-squares Mars in your 10th house of ambition, you'll have a feeling that if something seems too good to be true then it probably is, right?! You may be questioning just what it is you really want for sure. As the Virgo New Moon comes about you'll be able to combine your heart with your head as you make some tough decisions on which path to put your talents and whole being in to. The Sun in your 11th house sextile to Jupiter in your 9th house of intuition on Friday and you'll feel you're being nudged in the right direction. KNOW it, FEEL it!

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)- This week you'll really be able to see where things are a help and where a new way of approach has to be taken. There might be a little bit of anxiety if you feel like you're being overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to be done. With the Sun in your 10th house of status and reputation sextile to your ruling planet Jupiter in your 8th house of transformation, you'll be receiving a helping hand by someone willing to share the responsibilities. Try to keep yourself at a steady pace and not run yourself too thin. While you'll want to have a good appearance with things, it's still important to know your capabilities!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- When Mercury in your 9th house of perception forms a semi square to your ruling planet Saturn in your 11th house of hopes on Wednesday it leaves you to want to take matters into your own hands. And with the Virgo New Moon in your 9th house as well on Thursday, you'll know you are in control of your destiny. Any struggles you have had are going to be replaced with feelings of motivation. Just make sure you aren't suppressing any emotions that need dealt with. You can't ignore the situations and hope they will change. Have the confidence to face things head on!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- The Sun in your 8th house of sharing makes an inconjunt aspect to your ruling planet Uranus in your 3rd house of communication on Tuesday and you may be feeling like others aren't hearing you clearly, or they could even completely be ignoring you! However you may need to let things slide or at least choose your battlers wisely if you expect things to change. The New Moon on Thursday will allow you to see all the sides with things and while something might not seem fair, others will try to sway your feelings. You'll accept where you stand with your own decisions and find a balance.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- With feisty Mars in your 6th house of routines making an inconjunct aspect to your ruling planet Neptune in your 1st house of self on Monday, you might be feeling like you want to run away from responsibilities or facing any changes that would be for the better. Don't let yourself get lazy, fight for it! The New Moon on Thursday in your 7th house of partnerships shows you that you have the help if you're willing to accept it. Let someone give you some support. With the Sun sextile to Jupiter in your 5th house of fun on Saturday, you'll be able to liven up your mood and break free from the conflict.
I hope everyone is having a happy and safe Labor Day weekend! And to those of you with the day off tomorrow, be sure to enjoy it!! And if you'd like me to take a look at things for ya, send me a quick message at my
email or
facebook and I'll be glad to! Or just send me and other messages, comments, suggestions, and what have you... LOL!
Have a great week!!!
Liveperson also has a 40% off offer available right now if you use code: LAB40. Good til September 4th!
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