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Psychic and Metaphysical Advice for Everyday Life!

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Full Moon in Leo ~ Snow Moon

Elsa from Frozen by SnowBite
What a fantastic night Valentine's Day will be with the sultry Leo Full Moon illuminating this romantic evening! Even for those without a partner the Snow Moon shows that gratitude for what IS, is what's important. Especially as earlier in the day the Moon makes a square to Saturn in Scorpio making us dig deep at our core level! I don't know about you guys, but my daughter is in LOVE with Frozen. I do have to say, it was a rather refreshing Disney movie for a change! And if you've seen the movie, you could see some similarities with what'll be happening with this Moon!

The fiery Leo Full Moon burns with an intensity! But with Mercury retrograde happening right now as of the 6th, you might be feeling a need to hold back.. But you also know you need to Let It Go! Maybe just not yet! Or if you do manage to break through, with the Aquarius influence you probably feel that you're doing it for the greater good! Another thing with this month is there is no New Moon!! Think about it as a snowstorm.. You get the advisory notice, everyone runs to the store and then sits and waits for what might or might not be a blizzard! LOL!

The New Moon on March 1st in the last sign of Pisces bringing the beginning to the end as the next New Moon in the 1st sign of Aries occurs at the end of the month on the 30th! So while this Full Moon might bring about some drama.. stand strong and proud! And be ready to get more of what you want! Leo energy can be a little selfish, but that's ok.. sometimes we need that!

But if you're needing a little self love for yourself and want to bring about some strength and determination back.. try this!

✪ Spell for Self-Empowerment ✪
Items Needed: This is somewhat up to you.. this can be done simply with meditation. But you might want to use a pink or white candle if you'd like to draw more of a focus and a piece of paper and a pencil if you want to put a little more energy into things too! If you'd like to enchant an item you could choose a ring or necklace of blue lace agate or rose quartz, or any other stone with properties you'd like to draw upon!

*Like with any working, you might want to take a bath and place some salt in it as well to draw out any negativity, or a shower and visualize the water bathing you in white light!

Start by lighting your candle. Simply gaze at it's flame and feel the energy that emits from the heat. Carry that feeling as you think of your passions, what you fight and stand for. Now, think also of the things that seem to hold you back and how this can have you feeling both "frozen" and also enraged. Bring light to the struggles!

Take this energy and write down what you feel is holding you back! Put any insecurities down. Anything that you feel isn't going to be of any help, but that you have to deal with. It's time to let it go!!! 

After you're done, take a second to look at your list.. and then say "NO MORE!" and tear it to shreds!!!! Then throw it up into the air and make it snow! (Be careful none catches on fire from your candle if you've used one!) 

If you're putting your energy into an item, hold it in your hand now and then say;

"I am divinely perfect with love bursting from my soul, 
Courageous and determined to reach my goal. 
Shedding away my fears of yesterday, 
I step into my being and embrace the confidence that's here to stay!"

Put your item on and begin to clean up your "snow". If you can dispose of it outside the house, the better. You can leave your candle to burn if you'd like to have some more confidence flowing, or you can snuff it and burn it again later.

I hope this Full Moon brings you closer to your dreams and strengthens you belief in yourself!! And if you would like some help personalizing your own energy work or if you'd like me to take a look at what you can expect over the next moon cycle, take a look at my services page or send me a message at my email or facebook and I’d be happy to assist you!

Many Blessings!!