You know, I should really aim to probably get these posted on Sunday night! LOL! Yesterday started off fabulous and I had tons of motivation! And I have to say I was just as equally blessed with a number of clients I hadn't expected, so as the day progressed.. well, they're a tad bit late! And let me not mention, though I am, that I do NOT like Blogger's new layouts and formatting.. I've lost 3 posts now to where my text gets totally wiped out at times. Definitely has me reminded again to save my work offline as I progress through it!!! But I'm thinking that this next coming week's, and those thereafter, will *probably* start getting posted on Sundays so I don't look like I'm a total scattered procrastinator!! I'm really not, I just tend to get caught up in things that weren't on my "to do" list! Anyways, I'm going back to
The Gilded Tarot, the imagery is just so vibrant!! Please feel free to send me any messages at my
email or
facebook! Here's this week's Tarotscopes!!

Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- Your eyes might not be open to the situations around you, or maybe at this point you'd rather just settle and see if that works out? You might be needing to take another look at things and make sure you're really being honest with yourself. This week is bound to bring you some temptations of an easier way out, but if it's compromising your ability to make things right, you may be easily swayed to throw caution to the wind! Rather than focusing on something you think is a helpless situation, be thankful for that which is already in your life!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - This week has a sense of renewed inspiration!! You're ready to start moving forward with some ideas you've set aside for a while. And at this point it really is a time to leap and then look! Too often, you have found yourself trying to control the situations trying to come up with a solution to please everyone but yourself. Now you are focused on a path of really achieving what you've wanted all along; stability! It might seem as though you're in uncharted territory, but once you get going.. you'll see you were on the right path all along!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- You could be finding yourself giving out more advice than you're usually use to! Take it as a compliment! Things have been working out pretty good for you lately and everyone else wants some of that good luck to rub off! Just make sure you're not coming off as "all knowing" and you won't rub anyone the wrong way. This week is going to continue to propel you into seeing that the way you were doing things wasn't working and now that you've found your groove, true happiness really can be achieved if you just but some work into it! You should be proud of yourself!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Last week us Cancer's had the King of Cups reversed, and this week it's upright! This week will definitely start showing signs of progress with what you've been working with. It might start off a little slow, but it'll be business as usual this week as you get back in stride with things mid-week. If you've been trying to get your emotions in check with some of the stress you've been dealing with, this weekend's family festivities will be right up your alley! You'll start finding that balance between work and family soon. You're working towards creating some great things for everyone!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Something that has been bothering you for a while may soon be at it's end! But, you may need to step back a little and put your faith a little to the test. Just know that you are very close to reaching your goal and all is going to be working out in your favor, it usually does anyways! This week could have you feeling excited one minute and royally pissed off the next. The Knight of Wands is a fiery card just as your Leo sign; think of those teenage years when emotions ran hot and cold.. maybe listen to some Katy Perry! ;)

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Once again you're frustrated at your attempts to get ahead! Things were moving along OK, and then this week just seems to give you one headache after another. Relationships will come under some strain as you're looked to for the answers.. but who's on your side for support? You may need to close yourself off to some drama to get focused on your own situations. Stability may be tested once again with your finances as you figure out what are necessities and what you can do without. You could really use someone to talk to and just listen for a change!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- This week will definitely NOT be a time you want to put up any sort of "false front". Being honest with yourself and others is going to be really important if you're going to keep up with the progress you've been making. Just because things are going well doesn't mean you can't take any risks, you'll just need to make sure it worth the "investment" you'll be putting into it. You can't be fearful of where things are taking you now! You've been doing great, now it's just time to share your good times with others! Just make sure those around you are there for good reasons!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- Hopefully after last week, this week brings you a lot more good times! The 9 of Cups vibes good with your watery self and emotions have finally played themselves out. This week will bring you more creativity in your friendships and relationships. Just because some of your circle of friends might not get along, doesn't mean you have to choose one over the other. You've got enough of yourself to go around and you don't mind the attention either! You'll be satisfied knowing the decisions you've made were for the right reasons. It's time for some comfort and fun for a job well done!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Don't be surprised if you find yourself asking what it is you really do want! If you haven't been following your instincts, you might want to start before things fall anymore off the wagon! Usually your intelligence can keep you moving along, but once your emotions have hold off you, things become a mess. If you're waiting for someone to come to your rescue, it could be time to get those emotions in check and see what the real cause of your condition is. Stop and think if you're overlooking any possibilities you haven't even thought to pursue previously. You're missing the bigger picture somewhere.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- You could find yourself with a tempting work offer this week! If you feel this is the right move, GO FOR IT! Right now you've really come into some good social connections and you'll be able to advance yourself financially if you take a little bit of a risk for a change. Isn't this what you've been asking for anyways lately? Be thankful for the opportunities that have been coming out of nowhere and you'll soon achieve the finances and romantic connections you've been desiring! You've been working hard for this, be gracious enough to accept it! There's no reason to feel you don't deserve it.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- This week you might feel as though you've got good karma raining all down on you! And why not? After last week's Death card, the Wheel of Fortune is blessing you with showing you how destiny can really show up in your life. You will find yourself with a renewed sense of faith as the week progresses on. Circumstances might not always be what you'd like, but you're seeing that sometimes the more you give into things, the more they seem to work out more in your favor! If you've been needing a fresh start, it could be just around the corner!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Things haven't been going quite how you thought they would lately. But this week at least will show you that the new life that's been starting will bring you a lot more healthier and happier memories than what you've been left with. If you've been hurt by someone, this may be the time to let them know and end that feeling of suffering on your side. You can be worried about how they will be feeling either! You have your own self to look after! Sometimes it can take something like this in order to get out of the cycles we make. Know that you're doing this for a better future!
Many Blessings!! Have a FABULOUS week!!
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