Here is your weekly dose of Tarotscopes! And yes, I'm using the images from the
Gilded Tarot
Ciro Marchetti again, but I think next week I'm going to switch it up to another deck to keep things interesting!! I have been using these cards primarily as my general reading deck for the last 5 years.. I absolutely LOVE the artwork on them! I hope you enjoy my readings and please feel free to send me any messages at my
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Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- Don't let your thoughts OR actions get the better of you this week! Slow down just a tad and wait before doing anything or you might just find you're kicking yourself later. But that could just be your Aries self anyways. Know your limits and their's, and you might just make it through the week unscathed! At the same time, don't let yourself let your thoughts get the better of you either. Make sure there really is a reason behind things and you're not just creating a situation that's not there! Have faith in yourself, let the tension pass and things will become clear!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- You might just be emotionally exhausted or feel at a sense of loss this week. Your patience has finally worn thin! While you could be ready to give up at this point, just remember tomorrow is always another day and are things REALLY that bad or are you just so fed up that seeing the light at the end of a tunnel seems more like a dream? Count your current blessings and try to keep the faith that things always have a way of working themselves out! Just because it's not the path you thought you were going to take doesn't make it the wrong one.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Things may have been smoothly sailing along, but it looks like this week may bring you somewhat of an upset. Communication could be broken down and perspectives aren't being seen for what they should be. This will be a time to find some balance and try to connect again with what your emotions are trying to tell you. Have you been compromising a little too much to please someone? Any differences that have caused problems are now at a time to solve! Lay it all out there! If you don't let anyone know what you're feeling, how are they supposed to know?
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- The Queen of Wands reversed may be telling you to slow it down just a bit so you don't burn yourself out! Creativity is bursting and you're feeling inspired by all sorts of things, but if you don't harness that energy it will continue to burn wildly and eventually, burn out. Take some time to make some decisions on what needs to be your focus and be given attention and what can sit on the back burner for now. You don't need to achieve it all right now anyways, and if you keep pushing for it, you won't! Take this week to find what'll bring you fulfillment.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- You're on your path.. at the moment! Is it really the path you want though? You might just be contemplating that right now. Either way, give in, let go, and just focus on the happiness that is! Don't lose sight of what's right in front of you or when you do make it to where you think you're going, you could end up with an entirely different outcome than what you've expected. Now is not the time to be selfish or let your prideful nature get the better of you! You'll need to support of others throughout your journey. Don't close yourself off to the experience.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You've allowed yourself some optimism finally! It took some time, but life is starting to give you a break. There's a renewed sense of confidence and some new opportunities have been opening themselves up to you, presenting you even more options to pursue! All of your friendships this week seem to work out in your favor. You might even find a compliment from someone that usually give you a tough time! And you can sigh a deep breath of relief as this week brings you the renewed faith you've been searching for. By the time the weekend comes around you'll definitely be feeling the love!
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Something could catch you totally off guard this week or that unfinished business you though wouldn't be a big deal, suddenly is! If you get an "I told you so" don't get upset.. you really should've seen this coming! You can take this time to make what's wrong right and get things back on track. You may have to do it alone, but be strong in knowing you can clean up your own mess! Accept what's going on, but know that it too shall pass and another day will come bringing hope and better situations. At least try to kick your feet up on the weekend!
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- You might just receive the best news ever this week! If you're expecting news of a job, this could be it. Otherwise you may stumble upon a new way of doing things that'll have you being more productive! You're confident and feeling an upbeat enthusiasm for life. The Page of Wands shows that you're clear in your thoughts and approaching things with pure intentions. Be sure not to compromise your self worth though or you may find yourself feeling taken advantage of. By the weekend you can expect some sort of get together where you can share your news and enjoy some recognition for your efforts.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- With the 6 of Cups reversed, you may find that you're being forced to deal with someone or something you'd rather not. Maybe it's time to let go of any bitterness you're feeling or just realize that it's not as important to harbor those feelings of resentment for one moment longer. Let the past stay in the past and know that what you are creating now far outweighs anything that may have kept you from happiness before. You might also need to learn that giving is just as important as receiving. Finding your balance between struggle and joy bring you to a more "realness" with yourself.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Usually you can be pretty predictable, but these day's you're ready to tear down the walls and start a revolution! You've tried to adhere to the establishment but are tired of feeling your voice is unheard. If you're needing to take things to a new level of justice, now is the time to do it! Don't just say you're going to do something, really DO IT! If the Hierophant shows up, it usually shows some new routine, but this time being reversed, you may be hesitant to take any sort of action. If you want to stay with where you're at, feel free, but don't be frustrated when things haven't changed!
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- This week may just feel like you're in a dream with how amazing it plays out! Everything you thought was impossible is finally being manifested! And with the attitude you've had lately, you'll be more than happy to share in your happiness. Your friendships have been really focused lately and those that were not benefiting you have been taken care of. Now you get to really enjoy the environment you've created for yourself! If you can manage throwing a party this weekend you'll find yourself with the best get together in a while and creating long lasting memories! Truly love the life you're living, it's all good!
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- The 10 of Pentacles is bringing stability to you this week! You may have been frustrated lately that you haven't had the support you usually depend on, but now you'll see that we all have times when we wax and wane just like the Moon in what we're able to give to others. The support was still there, just not as strong as it has been. You can feel successful in knowing a lot of what's been created was your own doing WITHOUT their help! You're moving ahead in creating your own prosperity and will have more affluence in the next coming months ahead.
Many Blessings!! Have a FABULOUS week!!
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