Ask Andi

Psychic and Metaphysical Advice for Everyday Life!

Welcome to my blog! Where sometimes the unexplainable, may become explained!

What You Do, You Be! Do-be-do-be-do!

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." ~Maya Angelou

"Things do not change; we change." ~Henry David Thoreau

"Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow." ~Dan Rather

I was thinking to myself earlier, this seems to happen on occasion! ;) And if you've read my earlier posts Minding Your Thoughts or Minding Your Words, you'll see this one follows along the same lines! Anyways.. It's sometimes easy for us to get caught up in the monotonous feelings that can be there. I mean, sure.. who doesn't want to be happy all the time for the most part?! And usually we're pretty happy with the way life is going, but then there's always something that gives us a little "what if"? What if I decided to quit my job and pursue my hobby as a career? What if I took the jump of singing in front of people? But if you don't take the chance, you would never know the opportunity. Because the opportunity is there... they'll always come around. But what you do, is what you'll be...

And this works in a lot of ways! It's the same with what you say. If you're always complaining and it's coming out of your mouth; it's coming out, because you've already thought it, it's been processed. Uh-oh. And now you're feeling like you've got a big 'ol F! So then you're grumpy throughout the day. It's what you're doing is what is going to determine what you'll BE doing while you continue down the path. What you say is what you think and what you think is what you'll do and what you do is what you'll be... see the cycle? Too many times we stand in our own way! It is easy to make excuses for why we do this as we'll rationalize it out to where it becomes acceptable to what we think and feel. But then after a while we are upset at ourselves for letting the time pass by! There needs to still be the understanding and acceptance that things happen for a reason.. whether or not we decide to take that leap. But the opportunities that present themselves are there for the taking. It is only up to us to make the decision on what we want to DO, for what the future will BE!

Here is a great meditation to help with mental clarity and allowing for new experiences!

Items Needed; 1 blue candle, 1 orange candle, 1 white candle.. place in a triangle with the white candle at top, blue to the left side and orange to the right.

If possible, make an essential oil blend with the following; 4 drops of Lemongrass, 2 drops of Bay, 1 drop of Basil, 1 drop Ginger, 1 drop of Nutmeg; anoint your third eye before beginning meditation.

Begin by sitting and gazing at the candle light. Watch as the candle flames dance and flicker. See the energy within the flame as golden energy as each day begins the blazing sun crests the horizon. Feel how that energy is a new beginning and eternal as it is there for you to take at any time, every day. Either continue to sit upright or lie down in a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths in and let them out and begin to steady your breath. As you begin to slip into a light meditative state, let yourself feel light and airy... visualize yourself laying on a BIG, WHITE, FLUFFY cloud.. feel how soft and relaxing and carefree it has you feeling. Sail through the sky and enjoy the relaxation it brings. When you are ready, feel the cloud bring you to a clearing on the top of a mountain. There is a lush meadow filled with many wildflowers. Step off the cloud and walk through the meadow to a giant tree. The only tree that you can see. Feel it's strength in the adversity of being on this mountain by it's lonesome. You notice there is a desk with a journal on it under the tree. You see this journal containing thoughts on situations you've wondered about being different. As you sit reading though them, you realize that some are things you no longer wanting to worry about.. mark in the journal underneath the entry how you are done worrying of this and move on to the next. There will be some you won't be able to go through at this time and that is ok. Then you will notice the blank pages that are still there. Now is the time to journal what you are feeling of your "WHAT IF"... After you are done, re-read the journal entries you may want to revisit and also your WHAT IF entry. Close the journal knowing you are going to work on what it is you want to be so as not to have that feeling you didn't try. Climb back on the cloud and let it take you through the sky and back to the beginning of where you first found it. Let your body adjust to coming more into the physical. And slowly open your eyes.

When you come out of this meditation you should feel relaxed, but SUPER motivated and released of any failing negative feelings!! :)

If you have any questions on how you can connect with your soul's purpose, you can send me a message at my email or at facebook and feel free to leave comments as well!


Full Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in Pisces occured at 1:05pm EST today; Tuesday, August 24, 2010. And is the climatic blessing of the projects started during the New Moon in Leo on August 9, which brought us closer to our inspirational creativity and the ideals we hope to achieve. This Full Moon is on the Pisces/Virgo axis and with the Sun making it's move into Virgo and having it's ruler, Mercury, currently retrograde in Virgo as well; we will still be introspective in our dealings. We have the sense in not rushing things, avoiding the small details is where things get complicated! The Pisces Moon with it's traditional and modern rulers also being retrograde, allows us to see the bigger picture in order to wrap up the final loose ends to make way for bigger and better!

Virgo rules the 6th house, this is our house of everyday work and routines. It is our employer's, employees and our job; not necessarily "career". We can also see our habits, health and well-being here. As stated, it's ruler Mercury is retrograde. Pisces oversees the 12th house. It's traditional ruler being Jupiter, currently retrograde in Aries, and it's modern ruler, Neptune, is also retrograde in Aquarius. The 12th house energy can be one of self sacrifice but it can also be intuitive and dreaminess. It brings about a retreat and reflection. The 12th house also has ties to mysticism, occult, and psychic matters; as well as hospitals, prisons, and institutions.

What needs to be remembered is that the sign is the modifier of the feelings and actions of a planet, while the house shows how it reacts to the modifying influence. The sign is what a planet is, and the house is how it's going to do.

Throughout the Moon's cycles, there is a death and rebirth happening. During the Full Moon a time of personal fulfillment brings us through the cycle of exploring new thoughtfulness.. While in Pisces, focus will be on making time for reflection, meditation, breaking bad habits, finishing up forgotten projects, regaining confidence, and the need to establish a better routine. This Full Moon with it's Pisces/Virgo influence will help us look deep within to be appreciative of the path we've taken so far and be looking forward to the new cycle we begin as our dreams become realized!!

Now I know usually I will include some sort of spell or even some more astro tidbits, but I am actually going through my own new cycle and am planning a move for next month. We just finalized the drop off of our containers and I have been feverishly packing and cleaning to make sure we can get the move going without too many upsets. Which is a lot of planning when you have pets and 2 kids to transport 1500+ miles!! So some of my blog posts might be a little snipped over the next month, but once we get settled in I expect the blog to pick back up! If you watch my twitter or facebook you'll be sure to see my updates as I get us on the road. It's an exciting time for us to be moving again, but it's time to "tie up some loose ends"! ;)

I hope this Full Moon brings you closer to your dreams and if you would like me take a look at what you can expect over the next moon cycle, take a look at my services page or send me a message at my email or facebook and I'd be happy to assist you!

Many Blessings!!


August 23rd - 30th Tarotscopes

I decided not to switch things up just yet.. maybe it's the Mercury retro period!? But right now there's a little bit going on in life so things could be a little sporadic! Though I have been working on quite a bit and expect to get a lot more accomplished in the next coming months.. to which I feel I'll also be blessed with a little more time to focus on my work! I won't go into things too much though.. there's still a lot to be decided! But that's how life works!! ;) Anyways, I've got all sorts of things needing my attention at the moment and don't have the time to slow down just yet! If you have any questions feel free to send them to me at my facebook or email, or even a comment here. Here's this weeks Tarotscopes!!!

Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- This week you might feel confused as to where things are headed. The plans are there, but nothing has been set to motion yet. Give it some time.. You don't want to miss what's going on presently and move too quickly to the end result, for what you think is the end is merely another beginning if you look at the bigger picture! Right? There's no need to feel like you need to speed things up or you're not sure what's going on. It's just that a little patience is needed! Try not to do anything hasty this week and take a few deep breaths!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- You could be feeling a little sluggish this week and no one but you will be able to get that motivation back, so try not to take your frustration out on anyone that you come in contact with. If things aren't going how you thought they would, you might need to have a brainstorming session, but don't switch things around just yet! You haven't given things a fair shot to see if it's really going to work out. This week could prove to you that you need to make sure you really think about things before you set out on new paths.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- You've been doing some fabulous things lately, but just realize you need to still stay safe or you could let something accidentally slip! The strength of your abilities will help you attain what you're looking for. But there are always going to be obstacles to overcome. You can't learn to ride a bike without falling off a few times! Just keep chugging along with your work and stay strong with what you believe! So far your instincts haven't been letting you down. If something is telling you to pull back, you might need to listen! Right now you hold the keys to where you're headed!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This week will be somewhat troublesome.. You could need to face up to some responsibilities you've put off or might need to put some time into a situation if there's loose ends you've needed to tie up! Goals are still within your reach if you don't give up before the finish line is in your sight! Don't stop believing and sooner than you think you'll find yourself in a better situation and your tension will be alleviated! Things aren't close to being over yet, but the journey can't be easy going all the time. Sometimes you really have to dig your heels in to get the job done!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Things may be a little bit of an emotional overload for you this week as you sense more of your subconscious coming to the surface. This is a fresh start and breakthrough time for you as many of your desires become more realized. Don't feel as though you need to take on everything by yourself as some help could be even closer than you realize! Even if you're not sure of what you exactly want to work on, this could also be a good time to try out some new experiences before settling into any sort of routine. Give yourself some new and exciting opportunities to try out!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- While the sun moves into your sign this week, you might not be ready for it! With the card upright, it serves a reminder to the consequences of your actions; here though you might not see those consequences or you see that by holding yourself back from the action you WANTED to take has it's own set of consequences. You may be frustrated if you've had to redirect where life was headed, but it could really be for the best. Try not to fight it, maybe you were headed in the wrong way and didn't want to see it.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- About the best advice I can give you this week is not to sweat the small stuff or dwell on the negativity! You can't be completely victorious all the time. Battles are still to be fought and there's wins and losses on many levels. Be sure you're understanding the underlying message with things. And be sure you're ready to deal with what comes along with any fights you find yourself in! Is it really worth it? You'll have to choose your words wisely or you could end up looking like you're trying to create problems that aren't there. Be careful that others don't use your words against you.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- This week could meet you with some opposition and you'll need to be careful you don't overstep your boundaries. If you're doubting where life is taking you, consider the source of enlightenment. Maybe you've been taking the advice of others a little too much and not listening to your own judgment. Don't be upset if things aren't going how you thought they would, there's still plenty of time to take a different route! You don't need to feel as though you have to following things to the "T", there's always room for adjustments! By the weekend you'll find yourself with a nice break.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- You'll need to keep with the progress you're making, even if it's more frustrating than you anticipated it to be! The victory you're looking for will soon be realized, it's just going to take some time still. You have the right to refuse to take another path right now, it's your courage that will help you see things through. Others may want to sway you from your course. No matter what happens to come your way this week, you'll be able to take things in stride and come to the best conclusion to get what you need to succeed! Sometime's you're more than happy to take on a challenge!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- If you need to stick up for yourself, by all means, DO IT! Just make sure it doesn't turn into some sort of "he said, she said" sort of ordeal or you could just be seen as complaining. You might want to try a new way of doing things anyways as some of your old routines are wearing you thin. Some won't want you to embrace this change, wanting to keep you where you've been. You know there are changes on the horizon, you just aren't sure of the conclusion. Keep a realistic and down to earth outlook and things will end up working out for the best for all!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Sometimes you just need to follow the rules! Even if you don't want to!! Now don't take that the wrong way, it's good to be a rebel now and then or we wouldn't the revolutions that are needed to shake things up. But at the same time it would be best to monitor your actions before running through the streets bellowing your message. You know how to communicate your ideals effectively. Don't get caught up in the hoopla! Find a way this week to really listen to what others are saying before trying to get your idea out to them, you might see you have more in common than you thought.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Things have been going pretty good for you and this week will be no different. You may feel as though you might need to take on a little more than usual, but your generous nature will think nothing of it. Just make sure it's not all work and no play or you could end up missing out on just as good of a weekend! When you get invited to an outing, be sure to take it up! You could find some new friends that will give you a great renewed friendship or reconnect with those you've lost touch with. Expect some communication soon!

Many Blessings and have a great week everyone!!

New Moon in Leo

We're about to start a new cycle here with this New Moon falling on the Leo/Aquarius axis! Leo is the ruler of the 5th house and ruled by the Sun. The 5th house is where we find our jollies; creation, procreation and recreation!! So, namely our artistic inspired creative talents; how we approach romance, courtship, and sex (or making babies, since 5th house is also for children!); sports and games, gambling and speculation. basically, the house of fun! Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn and it's modern ruler Uranus, and is ruler over the 11th house. The 11th house is where we find our ideals, humanity and community. These are the ideals you seek to live by or achieve; your hopes, desires, dreams, and your humanitarian concerns. It's how you establish your individuality and freedom; and maybe how you break the rules! But also how you relate to friends and groups of people who share your ideals.

Now remember, the Sun and Moon are the 2 most important "planets" in your chart. Technically they aren't planets, but are luminaries, since they give off light! The Sun represents our emotional security or insecurities, temperament and attachments. The Moon is our feelings and our perception of emotions. When the Sun and Moon are activated together, it creates an intense energy flow between the Sun (consciousness) and the Moon (feelings).

So what does this mean for this New Moon? Well, these Leoine energies are giving us that feeling like our inner child, or Fetch in the Feri world, wants to come out and play!! Leo energy is ambitious, outgoing, even royal. You want it your way and you want it NOW! And while Leo's energy can somewhat be self centered.. Aquarius is more about them. So you can see, we might need to be a little careful in the way we express ourselves or what we want to say might not come out quite right to others!

Throughout the Moon's cycles, there is a death and rebirth happening. During the New Moon we let our instincts lead us. While in Leo, focus will be on making time for play, creative projects, reclaiming personal power; celebrating your uniqueness, undertaking an adventure and risks, stepping into more leadership, and enjoying passionate love and friendship. This New Moon with it's Leo/Aquarius influence will help us push ourselves to realize that we can only achieve what we set ourselves out for!!

Those with a planet or angle at 18 degrees of Leo or Aquarius (or the other fixed signs of Taurus or Scorpio), may feel the strength of the New Moon more directly. So let's take a look at how this might effect your sign!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)- This New Moon activates your 5th House, and as previously stated, house of creativity, children and hobbies. You may have the feeling of wanting to make new friendships; or the friends you do have, you'll want the bond stronger! If you've put any creative projects on the back burner, now is a great time to get back to work on them. If you have children, take time to play games with them that you enjoyed.. or if your older, there's nothing wrong with a couple of beers for an adult game night either!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- As this New Moon activates your 4th House, it brings focus to your home and family. Events from the past may unexpectedly have you thinking of how it affects you in the present. You might also find yourself wanting to tackle home projects that you've put off to make your home more how you've wanted it to be or if relocation has been on your mind, this may be the start of that action! Any social connections at your house are sure to bring you deep emotional satisfaction. Your appreciation for family is easily shown.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)-You may feel a strong drive to achieve what you've been looking for through intellect and mental accomplishments as the New Moon sits in your 3rd House of communication and intelligence. The 3rd House also indicates siblings and neighbors, so you may be inspired to work on the relationship and become closer. This will be a time to expand and communicate your ideas! If you have a special talent, you might find satisfaction in teaching others your skill. Since this is also a time of increased awareness, establishing a meditation routine may prove beneficial!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Finances will focus in heavily for with the New Moon hanging out in your 2nd House of income and worth. It might be tough to realize what's serving it's purpose for you and what's expendable! Financial transactions may factor in at this time. You may be living beyond your means and an increased need for domestic security will have a greater effect on your emotional well-being. You could start to question your understanding of security vs. materialism.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)- With this being YOUR New Moon in your in your 1st House, your personality and approach with others shine! Your will and self awareness are abundant! But don't let your Leoine self get the better of you! You'll need to be careful of impatience and compulsiveness as changeable moods, emotional excitability, and self expression factor in heavily! You may also have a tendency for emotional impulsiveness and could be confronted about your ego.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)- The New Moon finds itself in your 12th House you may need to re-evaluate the signals you subconsciously broadcast. This is not the time to lose faith in your goals. But you might be surprised if you shift your focus from recognition for your actions to feeling fulfilled by the service you're providing. This is the time to listen to your inner voice, rely on your intuition and take time for some self contemplation. Psychic sensitivity, moodiness, and loneliness may occur at this time.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)- This dynamic Leo New Moon finds itself in your 11th House, the house of groups and friendships. You may find this energy as being restricted or be faced with pressure from others. With Venus in your sign as well, you would do best to trust your actions are done with the best intentions. You may be the one that needs to take the lead in organizing a group experience if you want to spread your humanitarianism. At this time, you may find your interest in occult subjects are heightened as well and you can easily research the information you look for.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)- This New Moon is represented in your 10th House. The house of  career success and status. If you're looking for power or fame, you need to realize it comes with price! You may also find that you receive unfavorable publicity or disruptions from everyday family life can interfere in your career. Any goals can be related to establishing domestic security. The ambition to succeed is there, be sure the reason you're working so hard is really what you want at the end result!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)- As this New Moon finds itself in your 9th House of philosophy, higher education, traditions and spiritual matters; you may find yourself taking time for travel or venturing into a new educational experience. You may question your religious or philosophical outlook. This is not a time to be limiting of yourself or condescending, you'll need to keep an open mind. Use this time to find your inspiration and harness the energy to realize your highest hopes!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)- This New Moon is represented in your 8th House; the house of shared resources, physical, psychological, spiritual and psychic evolution. You may feel the desire to end old connections or emotional ties to those you feel are holding you back! You have strong recuperative abilities that let you bounce back from any struggle that's been happening. Just be careful of impatience and compulsiveness.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)-  Relationships will focus in heavily for with the New Moon hanging out in your 7th House. It might be tough to realize what emotions are serving their purpose for you! You can expect more contact with the general public at this time and interaction with women will also be featured. While you are likely to have strong emotional reactions with others and their attitudes, be careful of any emotional outbursts or quarrels at this time that can come about from financial problems or family.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)- During this New Moon, it'll find itself in your 6th House, house of health and daily routines. Household order, cleanliness, and organization will be critical to your emotional well being. You may find problems at work or relating with others as well. Also, if you've had any health problems, now would be the time to address them. Establishing a routine for a healthy body and mind can be beneficial!

I hope the New Moon's energy treats you well! Remember that during the New Moon phase this can be the time for spellworking that will bring things to you!! If you have any questions regarding how the planets are affecting you personally, or you would like a spell personalized to your needs, you can reach me at facebook or email!

Many Blessings!!

August 9th - 15th Tarotscopes

Here we are with this week's Tarotscopes and still using The Gilded Tarot, though I am thinking of switching it up maybe to an "oracle deck" next week. I haven't yet decided on that.. Oracle cards are not your traditional Tarot decks and the symbolism behind them is quite different. I'll be asking my guides their thoughts on this as well! And I'd like to know your opinion too!! So please feel free to send them to me at my facebook or email, or even a comment here, and let me know what you think about using an oracle deck rather than a standard Tarot! And here we go with the 'scopes!!!

Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- You might be avoiding the truth in situations this week. If you truly want things to change, you'll need to take a deep look into yourself and see what you're doing to keep things as they are. Change can be tough, especially when it's tied to beliefs that you don't want to let go of. It's OK to admit when you're wrong about something.. it's the process of learning! But don't let these emotions tear you down to the point of questioning your judgment! You very well may have received information in good faith, it's just up to you to decide where the truth and trust really stands.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - This week you have a renewed sense of self worth Tauruses! You may have been doing things how others wanted you to, but now you know your way might have just saved you so much more grief! It's great that you've found your voice and are sticking up for yourself, just don't let it go to your head too much. Yes, they should've listened to you.. but let's not rub it in! You and those close to you will be learning all about give and take as you discuss just where things need to be going if everyone is going to prosper!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- You're continuing on your path fabulously! Moving from last week's King of Wands into the Ace of Cups is showing your intellect is now being paired with your emotions! You FEEL as though things are exactly how they should be! And this is directly related to the ACTION you have put into things! The desire that you have is represented by a breakthrough you achieved in your subconscious. You've been showing gratitude for the small things and have been rewarded with happiness and good karma. Any spiritual fulfillment you were looking to achieve will soon be realized! Keep dreaming BIG Gemini's!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Situations still might have you having to compromise in some way, but if you can dig deep and really let others know how you feel, you could find yourself making the decision without any fear or doubt. This week will bring about an emotional balance for you though! You will realize that success may come in small doses, but at least it's happening! Allow those that are supportive of you to lend a hand along the way. Try not to be upset if you aren't making the strides you'd like.. there will always be obstacles to overcome and decisions to be made.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- This week starts with a New Moon in your sign! However, Leo's are ruled by the Sun and the Moon showing as reversed can very well show that you could find yourself in fear of the new opportunities you're given. Maybe they're a little out of your comfort zone! The cowardly lion mentality could keep you from what your really desire. You may find a greater sense of intuition this week as you wade through the endless see of possibilities. You will need to take your own path and trust that making your way through any problems will only make you stronger and happier!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- This week you'll be able to improve your position by accepting any challenges you need to face! Be honest with yourself and look at the situation from a winning perspective, rater than what you possibly could end up losing. You've been creating the life you want to live and now is not the time to just give up when you're faced with a little opposition! Keep at it! Even though you might feel frustrated that no one is keeping up with you, just realize that not everyone is so good at seeing how to get from point A to point B as easily as you.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- If you tooted your own horn a little too early, this could be the result! But it also could mean that the work you have been putting in might not be getting the praise you expected! Either way, you'll need to stay focused and determined if you are going to reap the victory! This card shows that success will need to be earned and you'll need to persevere this week in spite of what you've already been through. You've been making great progress and have learned a lot, don't give up on learning what true success you are able to achieve!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- And after last week found you so well.. This week is showing exactly what I warned of! Tsk tsk! If you feel as though all that bliss is slipping away, don't feel all is lost. Just realize you need to show gratitude for what you DO have! Alternatively, you may be faced with having others feeling resentful for the way your happy home life has been going. Try to relate to them on a personal level. It wasn't that long ago that you were in their shoes. Life will always be full of ups and downs, it's up to you how you want to navigate them.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Things this week may not be entirely what they appear to be. You may also decide that the course of action you were going to take, now might not be the best route! Some how, some way, you will make it to where you want to be.. but right now you're not all too concerned that there could be a delay. The goals you were trying to achieve just might not seem as important as they were either! While a compromise may come about, you have faith that you are being guided by a higher power and all things happen for a reason.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- You've been hoping that family would hold more value to you, and this week will show you just how much you are appreciative and which members are supportive of you; as well as those that might be taking advantage of you. It's your responsibility to show those that are holding on to the negativity that you won't be enabling them any longer! You deserve to be happy and will no longer tolerate those who are holding you back, even if they are family! Of course, this could cause some disruption to the harmony you are trying to create. Hold strong and everyone will prosper!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Once again you'll find yourself waiting it out! If you're trying to manage things alone, that could be part of the problems you're facing. You have all that you need to succeed, but you could be missing the sign to show you the way to get there! Alternatively, you might also just be stubborn and set in your ways and not wanting to listen to others opinion on the situation. Some things you just can't rush either! Evaluate what you think the hold up is and see if there really is one, and take another look at any options someone else has suggested!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- You're very much grateful for what you have and know that "What you give, you get". And nothing will be truer this week! This will also include your thoughts. So any sort of problematic thinking you have will need nipped in the bud. Focus on the results you wish to manifest and deter any sort of feelings for instant gratification. Those around you may expect more than you're willing to give and their greed may wear you down if you're not careful. Realize that you can not produce anyone's happiness; they need to find it for them self!

Many Blessings and have a great week everyone!!

Black & White: It's all about intention!

I had a great experience on Chance's radio show yesterday!! But I did want to touch on a few things real quick since we did have a limited amount of time. Chance had asked me about "white" magick vs. "black" magick, and I had focused more on how I see the difference.. when really I could of simplified it as this... There is NO black or white magick in all truth. The energy is just there and doesn't really "pick sides"! It is really in the intention of the person doing the working!! Now, here's a way to think of it as well... In art, black is the absence of all visible light, while white is filled with the complete spectrum. And if we didn't have black; we wouldn't have shadows, defining lines, etc.. And the same goes for white as it is the highlights! Black is just the absence of light, but that doesn't mean that there isn't anything there; while with white, EVERYTHING is there and very well could "overshadow" your main cause. So, we really do need both!

As I said in the show, we are souls in a physical body living a human experience. And we very well could say "I'm not going to get angry", but we would need to also see what the cost of that expression may bring us to as well. Sometimes you DO need to get angry! Anger is directly related to a PASSIONATE response. You need to have that passion in order to reach your goals or you become apathetic! Now, while I do resonate more as a Pagan, rather than a Wiccan. I do believe Wicca is a very good religion for some that are reclaiming a part of themself that they may have lost due to some oppression they may have faced. It definitely was that way for me! But as I walked the path, I also realized I WAS suppressing a very needed part of my life as well and that is why I no longer felt I would call myself Wiccan. ALL Wiccan's are Pagan, but not all Pagan's are Wiccan, and all Witches are not necessarily Pagan either.. I've met PLENTY of Christian Witches!! So now I want to go over some of the "rules".

The main difference between Paganism and Wicca is that Wiccan's have the Rede and Law of Three. The short version of the Rede is simply; "An ye harm none, do what ye will." Here is the extended version of the Wiccan Rede.

Bide ye the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust.
Ye must live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spoken in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little and listen much.
Deosil go by waxing moon, chanting out the Wiccan runes.
Widddershins go by waning moon, chanting out the baneful tune.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand of Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak, then the heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the Moor wind blows from the West, departed spirits have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them quick and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed ye'll be.

When the wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn.
When the wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady, Blessed be.
Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone, the truth to know.

When ye have and hold a need, hearken not to other's greed.
With a fool no seasons spend, or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law ye should, three times bad and three times good.

When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on your brow.
True in love ye must ever be, lest ye love be false to thee.

These words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,: An ye harm none, do what ye will.

Now the Law of Three is simply that what you send out, you get back 3 times! So send out good, get good back 3 times as good! This is one I kinda never understood.. mostly because I'm a science nerd so I never really figured there was some sort of law that would change this other than what you send out, you get back.. plain and simple. This is seen in Newton's Laws! Law 1 states, "Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it." So as I said, magick is magick.. it doesn't subscribe to "white" or "black" until the intent is applied! Law 3 states, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Nowhere does it say that the action or reaction becomes amplified! I then felt that the saying of "All that is, is." was also a very good way to look at things in this way. So now we come to some more rules or laws..

Spiritual Laws of the Craft
1. No truth is absolute.
2. The Universe consists of opposites.
3. For every action there is a reaction.
4. We are all one, we are all connected.
5. The ultimate act of spirituality is creation through love manifesting harmony.
6. What we give to spirit will return to us.
7. We must never close our mind to knowledge.
8. A circle is a holy place, negativity is not acceptable.
9. The body of the witch is used to channel and focus energy,
tools are merely focusing aids.
10. Use common sense, to not teach the mysteries to fools.
11. Witches are not to give the identities of other witches as
discrimination still haunts the earth.
12. Acknowledge the presence of the Gods in your daily life through word and deed.
13. The Earth is a living being; take care how you live on your host.

The Practical Laws of the Craft
1. Never use a system you do not understand.
2. Do not set a price on magickal work (other than supplies and time/energy used).
3. Never use your magickal skills to show off.
4. Learn to banish first, as binding may be overkill.
5. Know that what is created it thought manifests in reality.
6. Never lie to yourself.
7. Injuries, sickness often result from low self-esteem, RARELY from negative magick.
8. Power grows in relation to wisdom.
9. Take great caution in using magick for negative purposes.
10. Never do less than your best.
11. Do not give into the negative words of others about your faith or lifestyle.
12. Witches are not to give the identities of other Witches as discrimination still haunts the Earth.
13. Do not lend out your Magickal Record.
14. Property owned should be guarded mundanely and spiritually.
15. Do not seek revenge; the Gods and laws of karma will punish sufficiently.
16. Respect the science of magick, but it is not sacred.
17. Sex is not to be used for ritual unless between consenting, mature adults.
It is NEVER used in teaching.
18. Teaching is not done for money, and must be in a safe environment,
with equal rights for both student and teacher.

13 Goals of a Witch
1. Know yourself.
2. Know your Craft.
3. Learn.
4. Apply knowledge with wisdom.
5. Achieve balance.
6. Keep your words in good order.
7. Keep your thoughts in good order, thoughts are things.
8. Celebrate life.
9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth.
10. Breathe and eat correctly.
11. Exercise the body.
12. Meditate, exercise the mind.
13. Honor the Gods and the Old Ways.

As you can see, many of these rules and laws are very much COMMON SENSE! And still contains the old adage of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!". Witches, Wiccan's and Pagan's are your neighbors, your friends, and your family! I really love the part in Practical Magic where the one aunt tells the ladies involved in their circle that "There's a little Witch in all of us!".

If you would like to explore Earth based spirituality with me, I will soon be offering a class!! Please send me a message at facebook or my email if you would like to be placed on the class list or receive more info!! I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend and stop back by soon for Tarotscopes!

Many Blessings!

What's Your Bloody Type?!?

You might look at the title and then this picture and go WHHHAAAT?! But really, I'm going to discuss something that everyone has and could be exceptionally important at times as well. BLOOD! After the last episode of True Blood, I got interested in looking up some things about blood types, but thankfully I have Japanese relatives and have quite a bit of information on this topic! Knowing your blood type is important if you travel, because heaven forbid there be an accident and a transfusion be needed and you are in an area where your blood type is scarce!

In the 1930's Takeji Furukawa set out to find a connection between personality traits being influenced by blood type. These days, approximately 90% of Japanese know their blood type and read their horoscopes by blood types rather than the traditional astrological signs! Blood typing has also been used for employers when interviewing and also in keeping office harmony, in matchmaking for potential love matches and even companies for marketing their products! Recently the books Eat Right 4 Your Type and Cook Right 4 Your Type have had many people wanting to make dietary changes that are directly related to their blood types! I highly recommend these books as I have found them to be very helpful with some of the problems related to dietary issues! BUT, we're here to talk about personalities! Now... if you don't know your blood type, the easiest way to find out is to donate blood! Not only will you be doing a VERY valuable service, but you will find your blood type out rather easily too! One thing to remember is there is no differential factor with the Rh type (positive/negative). So.. here we go with the blood types!

Type O:
Type O's tend to be loners OR leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and sometimes daring. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start! They handle stress better than the other blood types and have a healthy, active nature. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.

Positive qualities: Ambitious, Trendsetter, Independent, Loyal, Athletic, Robust, Passionate and Self-confident.
Negative qualities: Arrogant, Vain, Jealous, Insensitive and Ruthless.

Famous O's: Oprah Winfrey, Stella McCartney, Ronald Reagan, Queen Elizabeth II, John Lennon, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, Gerald Ford, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Capone.

Compatibility: O is most compatible with O, and AB

Type A:
While outwardly calm, they have high standards that they often bottle up their anxiety in order to get along with others, they may hold in their emotions until they explode. They are capable of leadership positions, but they may not take them because the stress is too much to handle. In Japan many A's are in research facilities taking roles in discovering more about science, economics, manufacturing, etc. They are perfectionists to say the least!! Type A's are also the most artistic of the blood groups.

Positive qualities: Reserved, Cooperative, Patient, Sensitive, Clever, Responsible and Punctual.
Negative qualities: Obsessive, Stubborn, Conservative and Tense.

Famous A's: George H. W. Bush, O.J. Simpson, Britney Spears, Ringo Starr, Adolf Hitler, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jet Li.

Compatibility: A is most compatible with A and AB

Type B:
Goal oriented and strong minded, type B's will start a task and see it through until completed, and completed well! Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life. These individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A's, yet ambitious like O's. They are empathetic, easily understanding others' points of view, yet often hesitant to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends and are fiercely loyal.

Positive qualities: Creative, Passionate, Strong, Animal loving, Optimistic and Flexible.
Negative qualities: Wild, Unsociable, Critical, Indecisive, Unpredictable and Unforgiving.

Famous B's: Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow, Paul McCartney, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Compatibility: B is most compatible with B and AB

Type AB:
Type AB's are the split personalities of the blood groups! They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid, but they also tend to be very charming and popular. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They don't sweat the small stuff, but once a problem hits they feel as though it is their own doing. Type AB's can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit "flaky". They are trustworthy and like to help others. There is never a dull moment in a AB's life, so if you find one for a friend, consider yourself lucky! You'll definitely enjoy some exciting times together! Only about 2 - 5% of the population are blood type AB!

Positive qualities: Popular, Sociable, Cool and Controlled.
Negative qualities: Forgetful, Critical, Indecisive, Irresponsible and Self-centered.

Famous AB's: Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mick Jagger, Thomas Edison, Jackie Chan.

Compatibility: AB is most compatible with AB, B, A and O, or basically everyone!!

PLEASE... if you can donate blood, DO IT! 
Here is some brief information on blood donation from the American Red Cross website.

-Facts about blood needs
* Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
* More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day.
* A total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S. (2006).
* The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints.
* The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O.
* The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs.
* Sickle cell disease affects more than 80,000 people in the U.S., 98 percent of whom are African American. Sickle cell patients can require frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives.
* More than 1 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
* A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.

-Facts about blood supply
* The number of blood donations collected in the U.S. in a year: 16 million (2006).
* The number of blood donors in the U.S. in a year: 9.5 million (2006).
* The number of patients who receive blood in the U.S. in a year: 5 million (2006).
* Share of the U.S. population eligible to give blood: Less than 38 percent.
* Blood cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors.
* Type O-negative blood (red cells) can be transfused to patients of all blood types. It is always in great demand and often in short supply.
* Type AB-positive plasma can be transfused to patients of all other blood types. AB plasma is also usually in short supply.

-Facts about the blood donation process
* Donating blood is a safe process. A sterile needle is used only once for each donor and then discarded.
* Blood donation is a simple four-step process: registration, medical history and mini-physical, donation and refreshments.
* Every blood donor is given a mini-physical, checking the donor's temperature, blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin to ensure it is safe for the donor to give blood.
* The actual blood donation typically takes less than 10-12 minutes. The entire process, from the time you arrive to the time you leave, takes about an hour and 15 min.
* The average adult has about 10 pints of blood in his body. Roughly 1 pint is given during a donation.
* A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days, or double red cells every 112 days.
* A healthy donor may donate platelets as few as 7 days apart, but a maximum of 24 times a year.
* All donated blood is tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other infectious diseases before it can be released to hospitals.
* Information you give to the American Red Cross during the donation process is confidential. It may not be released without your permission except as directed by law.

-Facts about blood and its components
* There are four types of transfusable products that can be derived from blood: red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Typically, two or three of these are produced from a pint of donated whole blood – hence each donation can help save up to three lives.
* Donors can give either whole blood or specific blood components only. The process of donating specific blood components – red cells, plasma or platelets – is called apheresis.
* One transfusion dose of platelets can be obtained through one apheresis donation of platelets or by combining the platelets derived from five whole blood donations.
* Most donated red blood cells must be used within 42 days of collection.
* Donated platelets must be used within five days of collection – new donations are constantly needed.
* Plasma and cryoprecipitate are stored in frozen state and can be used for up to one year after collection.
* Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red cells, plasma and platelets. The body will replenish the elements given during a blood donation – some in a matter of hours and others in a matter of weeks.

-Facts about donors
* The number one reason donors say they give blood is because they "want to help others."
* Two most common reasons cited by people who don't give blood are: "Never thought about it" and "I don't like needles."
* One donation can help save the lives of up to three people.
* If you began donating blood at age 17 and donated every 56 days until you reached 76, you would have donated 48 gallons of blood, potentially helping save more than 1,000 lives!
* Half of Red Cross donors male, and half are female.
* The American Red Cross accepts blood donations only from volunteer donors.
* Among Red Cross donors in a given year, 19 percent donate occasionally, 31 percent are first-time donors, and 50 percent are regular, loyal donors.
* Only 7 percent of people in the U.S. have O-negative blood type. O-negative blood type donors are universal donors as their blood can be given to people of all blood types.
* Type O-negative blood is needed in emergencies before the patient's blood type is known and with newborns who need blood.
* Forty-five percent of people in the U.S. have Type O (positive or negative) blood. This percentage is higher among Hispanics – 57 percent, and among African Americans – 51 percent.
* Only 3 percent of people in the U.S. have AB-positive blood type. AB-positive type blood donors are universal donors of plasma, which is often used in emergencies, for newborns and for patients requiring massive transfusions.

August 2nd - 8th Tarotscopes

I really meant for these to go out yesterday, but for whatever reason.. it just wasn't happening!! It didn't help that I everyone under that sun decided they needed to start calling me starting at 8:05am and didn't stop until almost 11am and then I needed to take an extra 2.5 hours out of my day to go hang out at a government office, but you'll have that at times. LOL! But, here we are once again with this week's Tarotscopes and switched back to The Gilded Tarot. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me at my facebook or email!

Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- Obstacles could have you feeling like all your efforts are leading you to a dead end. This may also leave you feeling confused or maybe even angry! If you force things aggressively it will only cause more affliction. Alternatively, you might just have a feeling of BLAH all week. No matter what sort of motivation you try to manage, it just keeps falling short of getting you out of the funk. Have faith that you don't always need to push yourself to the limit! The status and recognition you're looking for will come about with a sense of clarity... once you stop looking for it!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - And after last week was so great.. now THIS! The 3 of Swords is one of the card that shows up and people go YIKES! Personal relationships continue to be a major focus in your life, but don't hit the panic button yet. While something will have to give, you can still expect things to ultimately come out in your favor. Just make sure you aren't trying to force your opinions or way of thinking on someone else. Everyone isn't going to react in the same way and you'll need to learn to accept that. Otherwise, it'll be an uphill battle the whole way.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Intellect and inspiration flourish for you this week and you truly deserve a pat on the back! But don't let things fall by the wayside as your leadership is still going to be needed. And while motivating others will be your forte, be careful that everyone is on the same page or you may find some think you're somewhat tyrannical. Your strength and ambition will be able to carry you through, just make sure that you're appreciative of the ones that are right there with you. Be open to all the impressions that you'll receive, they will hold the answers!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This week seems one devoid of any hope or help. EVERYTHING is just wrong! If you could climb inside your crabby shell, you would!! But try not to be so pessimistic.. tomorrow is always a new day and it's going to be up to you to decide on what you want to make it. Are things REALLY that bad? Are you just avoiding what the dilemma is or creating the doubt? At least take a moment to breathe. You'll need to follow your own path if you truly want to be happy.. otherwise, how will the stars be able to shine?

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- If ever a word were to describe this week, it would be PATIENCE! Gardeners know how time is needed for the fruits and flowers to ripen and blossom. And while you've already been patiently waiting and finally made a choice to take action, don't rush it. Enjoy the everyday moments and try not to be focused on the end result. The whole process is a part of the solution! Your Leo self might be ready to pounce, but remember there is a lot of skill that is also put into stalking the hunt. If you rush things, you could end up empty handed.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You'll need to be adaptive to the situations the end up coming about. This is the time to focus on your emotions and try not to rationalize it too much. You'll want to be sure not to spread yourself to thin either or you might start to resent the pressure and not see it for what it is. Just because things have been going your way, doesn't necessarily mean you're in CONTROL of the situations. Be sure to focus on what is right in front of you and if you need help, ask!  Peace and balance will be restored soon!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- This week might be a little tough and you could find yourself asking if it's really worth it! Determination and dedication is what'll be your main focus and don't be surprised if you're not first right out of the gates. You'll need to accept that there's going to mistakes and what you think to be "perfect" might not be what it appears to be. Circumstances are going to get better, but you'll still be learning your way. You may also need to make sure the skills you're acquiring are being taught by a true master. Time will tell with practice.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- Everything has really progressed well for you and you've realized that your relationships are a direct reflection in the gratitude you've had for what you've been given. This is due to the work you've done to create the life you're finally living in. Just make sure you don't let responsibilities go or you might need to work back to this state of bliss! Trust in the wisdom you have attained over the last few weeks and continue to work towards more success and adventure. Life really IS about the adventure and not just the destination!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Right now you could be a little fearful as to where life is taking you, but now is not the time to hold yourself back from the changes that are coming. If you truly need this change, embrace it! If the changes are coming due to your own indecision in the past, you might need to take a look at the bigger picture. Ultimately you are the one left to make the decision with what you want and can't expect others to have the answers for you.. though if you want their opinion, don't be upset at the response!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- This week you could feel vulnerable to scrutiny or the shoe might be on the other foot and you find yourself judging others. At this point, you're not in a position to judge anyone and your own faith in the path you've chosen has been wavering. Right now you might be jumping to conclusions or assuming the worse. You'll still need make some sort of decision though in order to find out if you're right OR wrong. And just because it might seem wrong at the time, doesn't mean it wont turn out right at the end. Be flexible in the way you approach things.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- You may feel as though your life is like a pendulum and one week it swings one direction, and the next week is a 180. Sometimes you manage it in stride, but this week you may come to grips that the back swing is your doing. There can be a sense of overindulging or possibly neglect. Alternatively, if you're waiting for an answer from someone, you could be left wondering. For now you'll jut need to trust your instincts to carry you through. Try to find a solution and not focus as to how the problem came about.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- "This too shall pass" could just end up being your mantra this week. In any crisis you might come across, you'll be the calm voice of reason. But you may need to find some sort of common ground with those you are working with in order to come to a compromise. A sense of diplomacy is needed, but make sure those you are trying to unify are wanting to really achieve harmony and are not out to create discord or you could be fighting a losing battle. Also be sure that extra money that you spend this week is a wise expenditure and not just something you could do without.

Many Blessings and have a fabulous week everyone!!