I decided not to switch things up just yet.. maybe it's the Mercury retro period!? But right now there's a little bit going on in life so things could be a little sporadic! Though I have been working on quite a bit and expect to get a lot more accomplished in the next coming months.. to which I feel I'll also be blessed with a little more time to focus on my work! I won't go into things too much though.. there's still a lot to be decided! But that's how life works!! ;) Anyways, I've got all sorts of things needing my attention at the moment and don't have the time to slow down just yet! If you have any questions feel free to send them to me at my
facebook or
email, or even a comment here. Here's this weeks Tarotscopes!!!
Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- This week you might feel confused as to where things are headed. The plans are there, but nothing has been set to motion yet. Give it some time.. You don't want to miss what's going on presently and move too quickly to the end result, for what you think is the end is merely another beginning if you look at the bigger picture! Right? There's no need to feel like you need to speed things up or you're not sure what's going on. It's just that a little patience is needed! Try not to do anything hasty this week and take a few deep breaths!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- You could be feeling a little sluggish this week and no one but you will be able to get that motivation back, so try not to take your frustration out on anyone that you come in contact with. If things aren't going how you thought they would, you might need to have a brainstorming session, but don't switch things around just yet! You haven't given things a fair shot to see if it's really going to work out. This week could prove to you that you need to make sure you really think about things before you set out on new paths.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- You've been doing some fabulous things lately, but just realize you need to still stay safe or you could let something accidentally slip! The strength of your abilities will help you attain what you're looking for. But there are always going to be obstacles to overcome. You can't learn to ride a bike without falling off a few times! Just keep chugging along with your work and stay strong with what you believe! So far your instincts haven't been letting you down. If something is telling you to pull back, you might need to listen! Right now you hold the keys to where you're headed!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This week will be somewhat troublesome.. You could need to face up to some responsibilities you've put off or might need to put some time into a situation if there's loose ends you've needed to tie up! Goals are still within your reach if you don't give up before the finish line is in your sight! Don't stop believing and sooner than you think you'll find yourself in a better situation and your tension will be alleviated! Things aren't close to being over yet, but the journey can't be easy going all the time. Sometimes you really have to dig your heels in to get the job done!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Things may be a little bit of an emotional overload for you this week as you sense more of your subconscious coming to the surface. This is a fresh start and breakthrough time for you as many of your desires become more realized. Don't feel as though you need to take on everything by yourself as some help could be even closer than you realize! Even if you're not sure of what you exactly want to work on, this could also be a good time to try out some new experiences before settling into any sort of routine. Give yourself some new and exciting opportunities to try out!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- While the sun moves into your sign this week, you might not be ready for it! With the card upright, it serves a reminder to the consequences of your actions; here though you might not see those consequences or you see that by holding yourself back from the action you WANTED to take has it's own set of consequences. You may be frustrated if you've had to redirect where life was headed, but it could really be for the best. Try not to fight it, maybe you were headed in the wrong way and didn't want to see it.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- About the best advice I can give you this week is not to sweat the small stuff or dwell on the negativity! You can't be completely victorious all the time. Battles are still to be fought and there's wins and losses on many levels. Be sure you're understanding the underlying message with things. And be sure you're ready to deal with what comes along with any fights you find yourself in! Is it really worth it? You'll have to choose your words wisely or you could end up looking like you're trying to create problems that aren't there. Be careful that others don't use your words against you.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- This week could meet you with some opposition and you'll need to be careful you don't overstep your boundaries. If you're doubting where life is taking you, consider the source of enlightenment. Maybe you've been taking the advice of others a little too much and not listening to your own judgment. Don't be upset if things aren't going how you thought they would, there's still plenty of time to take a different route! You don't need to feel as though you have to following things to the "T", there's always room for adjustments! By the weekend you'll find yourself with a nice break.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- You'll need to keep with the progress you're making, even if it's more frustrating than you anticipated it to be! The victory you're looking for will soon be realized, it's just going to take some time still. You have the right to refuse to take another path right now, it's your courage that will help you see things through. Others may want to sway you from your course. No matter what happens to come your way this week, you'll be able to take things in stride and come to the best conclusion to get what you need to succeed! Sometime's you're more than happy to take on a challenge!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- If you need to stick up for yourself, by all means, DO IT! Just make sure it doesn't turn into some sort of "he said, she said" sort of ordeal or you could just be seen as complaining. You might want to try a new way of doing things anyways as some of your old routines are wearing you thin. Some won't want you to embrace this change, wanting to keep you where you've been. You know there are changes on the horizon, you just aren't sure of the conclusion. Keep a realistic and down to earth outlook and things will end up working out for the best for all!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Sometimes you just need to follow the rules! Even if you don't want to!! Now don't take that the wrong way, it's good to be a rebel now and then or we wouldn't the revolutions that are needed to shake things up. But at the same time it would be best to monitor your actions before running through the streets bellowing your message. You know how to communicate your ideals effectively. Don't get caught up in the hoopla! Find a way this week to really listen to what others are saying before trying to get your idea out to them, you might see you have more in common than you thought.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Things have been going pretty good for you and this week will be no different. You may feel as though you might need to take on a little more than usual, but your generous nature will think nothing of it. Just make sure it's not all work and no play or you could end up missing out on just as good of a weekend! When you get invited to an outing, be sure to take it up! You could find some new friends that will give you a great renewed friendship or reconnect with those you've lost touch with. Expect some communication soon!
Many Blessings and have a great week everyone!!
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