I really meant for these to go out yesterday, but for whatever reason.. it just wasn't happening!! It didn't help that I everyone under that sun decided they needed to start calling me starting at 8:05am and didn't stop until almost 11am and then I needed to take an extra 2.5 hours out of my day to go hang out at a government office, but you'll have that at times. LOL! But, here we are once again with this week's Tarotscopes and switched back to The Gilded Tarot
Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- Obstacles could have you feeling like all your efforts are leading you to a dead end. This may also leave you feeling confused or maybe even angry! If you force things aggressively it will only cause more affliction. Alternatively, you might just have a feeling of BLAH all week. No matter what sort of motivation you try to manage, it just keeps falling short of getting you out of the funk. Have faith that you don't always need to push yourself to the limit! The status and recognition you're looking for will come about with a sense of clarity... once you stop looking for it!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - And after last week was so great.. now THIS! The 3 of Swords is one of the card that shows up and people go YIKES! Personal relationships continue to be a major focus in your life, but don't hit the panic button yet. While something will have to give, you can still expect things to ultimately come out in your favor. Just make sure you aren't trying to force your opinions or way of thinking on someone else. Everyone isn't going to react in the same way and you'll need to learn to accept that. Otherwise, it'll be an uphill battle the whole way.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Intellect and inspiration flourish for you this week and you truly deserve a pat on the back! But don't let things fall by the wayside as your leadership is still going to be needed. And while motivating others will be your forte, be careful that everyone is on the same page or you may find some think you're somewhat tyrannical. Your strength and ambition will be able to carry you through, just make sure that you're appreciative of the ones that are right there with you. Be open to all the impressions that you'll receive, they will hold the answers!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This week seems one devoid of any hope or help. EVERYTHING is just wrong! If you could climb inside your crabby shell, you would!! But try not to be so pessimistic.. tomorrow is always a new day and it's going to be up to you to decide on what you want to make it. Are things REALLY that bad? Are you just avoiding what the dilemma is or creating the doubt? At least take a moment to breathe. You'll need to follow your own path if you truly want to be happy.. otherwise, how will the stars be able to shine?
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- If ever a word were to describe this week, it would be PATIENCE! Gardeners know how time is needed for the fruits and flowers to ripen and blossom. And while you've already been patiently waiting and finally made a choice to take action, don't rush it. Enjoy the everyday moments and try not to be focused on the end result. The whole process is a part of the solution! Your Leo self might be ready to pounce, but remember there is a lot of skill that is also put into stalking the hunt. If you rush things, you could end up empty handed.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You'll need to be adaptive to the situations the end up coming about. This is the time to focus on your emotions and try not to rationalize it too much. You'll want to be sure not to spread yourself to thin either or you might start to resent the pressure and not see it for what it is. Just because things have been going your way, doesn't necessarily mean you're in CONTROL of the situations. Be sure to focus on what is right in front of you and if you need help, ask! Peace and balance will be restored soon!
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- This week might be a little tough and you could find yourself asking if it's really worth it! Determination and dedication is what'll be your main focus and don't be surprised if you're not first right out of the gates. You'll need to accept that there's going to mistakes and what you think to be "perfect" might not be what it appears to be. Circumstances are going to get better, but you'll still be learning your way. You may also need to make sure the skills you're acquiring are being taught by a true master. Time will tell with practice.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- Everything has really progressed well for you and you've realized that your relationships are a direct reflection in the gratitude you've had for what you've been given. This is due to the work you've done to create the life you're finally living in. Just make sure you don't let responsibilities go or you might need to work back to this state of bliss! Trust in the wisdom you have attained over the last few weeks and continue to work towards more success and adventure. Life really IS about the adventure and not just the destination!
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Right now you could be a little fearful as to where life is taking you, but now is not the time to hold yourself back from the changes that are coming. If you truly need this change, embrace it! If the changes are coming due to your own indecision in the past, you might need to take a look at the bigger picture. Ultimately you are the one left to make the decision with what you want and can't expect others to have the answers for you.. though if you want their opinion, don't be upset at the response!
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- This week you could feel vulnerable to scrutiny or the shoe might be on the other foot and you find yourself judging others. At this point, you're not in a position to judge anyone and your own faith in the path you've chosen has been wavering. Right now you might be jumping to conclusions or assuming the worse. You'll still need make some sort of decision though in order to find out if you're right OR wrong. And just because it might seem wrong at the time, doesn't mean it wont turn out right at the end. Be flexible in the way you approach things.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- You may feel as though your life is like a pendulum and one week it swings one direction, and the next week is a 180. Sometimes you manage it in stride, but this week you may come to grips that the back swing is your doing. There can be a sense of overindulging or possibly neglect. Alternatively, if you're waiting for an answer from someone, you could be left wondering. For now you'll jut need to trust your instincts to carry you through. Try to find a solution and not focus as to how the problem came about.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- "This too shall pass" could just end up being your mantra this week. In any crisis you might come across, you'll be the calm voice of reason. But you may need to find some sort of common ground with those you are working with in order to come to a compromise. A sense of diplomacy is needed, but make sure those you are trying to unify are wanting to really achieve harmony and are not out to create discord or you could be fighting a losing battle. Also be sure that extra money that you spend this week is a wise expenditure and not just something you could do without.
Many Blessings and have a fabulous week everyone!!
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