Ask Andi

Psychic and Metaphysical Advice for Everyday Life!

Welcome to my blog! Where sometimes the unexplainable, may become explained!

No Target, it's NOT ok to judge!

The last few days I've noticed the Universe giving me a couple little signals... a few work mates and friends first were discussing some words that we have banned. Words that came up included the "f" word, and no not f*ck.. which I have NO problems tossing around at times! Also, the "n" word; which I really can not stand and the "r" word, that I've had problems at times with it rolling off my tongue but have definitely made a conscious effort to not use it considering I have a special needs kid!

So imagine my surprise today when I was doing some shopping online today at Target and was told "It's ok to judge". I took a quick screenshot of it! I sat for a moment just thinking about it. And then I started to get mad! And not because I don't think that there shouldn't be some sort of measurable standards at times. I mean c'mon The Biggest Loser obviously is measuring a health standard and they are being "judged", just as many other reality tv shows like Dancing with the Stars or American Idol! But there's a time and place for judgments to be made. Unfortunately it seems like people make too many judgments without any justification! It's bad enough that we make judgments about ourselves; not pretty enough or smart enough or rich enough. But when we start to put these judgments on others, we're only projecting our own insecurities.

I happened to catch Dr. Phil today which was all about bullying. October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. It was very much about passing judgments and the bullies own insecurities! There was also a great organization featured as well; Stomp Out Bullying. And while I didn't agree with everything that was being said, the main idea was what was important. There's no reason to judge anyone, EVER! Because *hopefully* everyone is doing the best that they can. So Target, how about instead of "it's ok to judge" we go with "it's about choice".  But oh wait, wasn't there some problem about gay equality with Target?!? Maybe we'll save that for another post! ;)

So, as in my other posts Minding Your Words and Minding Your Thoughts it's just important to remember that we're all in this together and the interactions we bring to one another are equally needed as much as the progress we make on ourselves!


Asking for Help.. it's not that difficult!

Golly gee it's been a while since I've managed to make a post on my blog! But sometimes life just becomes a little complicated... As some of you may or may not know, I recently moved back to Florida AND I had my third child, Soren, in June! Something had to give and thus the blog went on the back burner! When you're a *new* mom you tend to put a lot of focus into being SUPER mom... everything needs to go exactly how you think it will! But this also happens at many other times in someones life as well. You strive to push yourself to the limits to meet whatever expectations you think you need to attain. And sooner or later you'll hit a wall if you think you can do it alone!!

Of course though asking for help can take a hit to your pride. It's not always the easiest to admit when something becomes a little too much to handle on your own! And whether you'd like to admit it or not, we all have someone that's got our back in times of need. When you open yourself up into letting someone else take the reins, it might feel as though you're giving over a sense of control. This really isn't the case though as opening up in this way brings about a deeper sense of trust! "We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy." ~Walter Anderson 

It's really that trust that allows you to see how much you're cared for and lets you view things from another perspective! Sometimes it's tough to realize that you can't do it all OR know it all! And at the same time it's those weaknesses that make you all the more human. NO ONE has the "perfect" life.. as much as they might like you to think that! I think that's part of why my clients find me so relatable... my ego doesn't get in the way! I'm able to see that no matter what, we're all just doing the best that we're able to do with the resources we're given at any particular time! Sometimes it'll just take us a little longer to ask for that helping hand because we think we're able to keep pushing ourselves to grin and bear it. I know I do it a lot of the time!! But none of us has to suffer in silence... there's always someone that will help us see the light at the end of the tunnel if we're just willing to let them in!

If you're feeling like you need to look at things from a different perspective, I'd be more than happy to take a look at your situation for you! You can send me an email, IM me through any major IM client (YIM, AIM, MSN, etc.) at psychicandi, or contact me at facebook, Liveperson, Keen, or Bitwine! And on another note.. Definitely keep your eyes peeled for some new content that will be making it's way onto the blog now that I've been able to get more of a routine down! I hope everyone that has been keeping up with me and the new readers have been enjoying your summer!!!

Many Blessings!

Updated Retainer Packages!!


A retainer is a fee paid in advance for services! Retainers are paid monthly and based on an estimate of the amount of work to be done for the client each month. By pre-paying for services in advance, a discount is also given on the services!! Here's how it works:

We'll say Tammy picks retainer package #2. She received two 60 minute readings the first week and a Reiki healing. Week 2 she opts for two 30 minute readings and 3 mini readings. Week 3 she has two more 30 minute readings. At Week 4 she has a Reiki healing and a 15 minute reading.. now at this point, she has only $10 left.. but because of the pre-payment she'll also receive a 30 minute session at MORE than 1/2 off to make up the remaining balance and she'll save $50!!!!

Retainer packages are GREAT for clients that know they will need ongoing services and can be completely customized to their needs!! I only take so many clients on retainer so as to make sure there's enough time for the clients that DO utilize this service as well as the other clients I help daily. For information on retainer  pricing and the services I currently offer, please check the Services Available page! If you have ANY questions feel free to send me an email or quick IM through Digsby on the right hand side of the page!


Celebrate Ostara

Happy Ostara (also Eostara, Eostre) or also known as the Spring/Vernal Equinox! It is celebrated when night and day are in perfect balance. That is, they are the same amount of hours. At this time we are inviting the fertility of the Earth to awaken. So, it is also the first day of Spring!!! Which believe me, after being in FL for a few years and experiencing Winter again, I'm MORE than happy Spring has sprung! Now is the time to consider what goals or wishes you would like to achieve that you will nurture for the next few months to blossom and grow!

With my last Celebrate Ostara post, I talked about gardening and how I bless my seeds for the upcoming growing season. This time, I'm going to focus more on manifesting goals! Now is the perfect time for achieving new or uncompleted goals, wishes and dreams! No more excuses for why you may be hindering your growth! In a sense you will be blooming yourself! :)

With many of my spells I like to work with candles. Candle flames are seen on all astral levels and can carry your workings out into these planes. The flames can also be a representation of the growing sunlight as well as your goals being achieved! There is an old wives tale of burning green candles at the Equinox to bring in financial prosperity, but this of course could also be used for any manifestation by substituting another candle color; pink for love, purple for spirituality/psychic abilities, etc. You can find more information on my post Manifesting with Candle Magick.

First steps:
I begin by cleansing my home and self by lighting a sage stick. Then I will bless my candles to be used. If I'm using oils on them, I will "dress" them and inscribe any symbols I would like them to have, then will hold them in my hands and focus my intent into them, following up with infusing them with Reiki energy as well. If I'm making incense, I will gather all the ingredients and will bless them and leave them on my altar. Because I am such a visual person, when I manifest, I like to have a list to focus on as well. Sometimes I'll make it super pretty with Photoshop and other times I'll just use a piece of paper and doodle my own designs on it to spiffy it up, and still other times I will make a wish board with pictures of what I'd like to manifest! The main purpose to any spell work or energy work is to make it work for YOU and the best way you can feel your energy pouring into it!

Next steps:
Set everything up!! You'll want your space to look pretty! Especially if you would like to do the working more than once. Usually I can find some pretty good flowers at Walmart or the grocery store that'll make the altar look nice! Set up the candles, and incense if you're using it.

Begin the work:
Depending on your beliefs, you may or may not cast a circle to work within. Either way if you do or don't, take a moment to center your thoughts and do a light meditation to get yourself ready for the work. After, you may want to call in some deities if you work with them, but if not, you can just start with the manifesting! Light your incense and candles and begin stating your affirmations you would like to manifest. Here are a few examples!

I choose my happiness and eliminate negative thoughts that keep me from my goals.
I trust the Universe and what I need or want is always taken care of.
I completely accept myself and others as unique beings.

I give thanks for my substantial increase in my finances.
I trust that I have far more than what I feel is needed coming my way.
My work is deeply fulfilling and I will receive the income I need.

I am open to giving and receiving love.
I am worthy to be loved and will share my love of life with others.
The love I have been looking for has been present all along.

My body and mind are happy and healthy.
My body is receiving the proper care that it requires.
I am healthy and strong and love my body.

Now, these are just some examples and I'm sure there are far more available on the internet with a quick Google search of "affirmations" or you will be able to come up with some that are just as effective! Besides writing or chanting your desires you just need to relax, keep positive and allow time for the ritual to work it's magick for you!

There are many ways to celebrate this wonderful holiday! If you need any help personalizing your spiritual path, feel free to send me a message at my email or facebook and I'd be more than happy to help you!!

May you have a Blessed Ostara!


March 14th - 20th Tarotscopes

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." ~Kenji Miyazawa

"継続は力なり." ~Japanese Proverb (Perseverance is strength.)

"雨降って地固まる." ~Japanese Proverb (Adversity builds character.)

My heart truly goes out to the Japanese people at this time of their hardship! Whenever I hear of any problems in Japan I immediately think of my husband's stepmother and pray that her family in Japan is safe. Thankfully they mostly live in the southern area near Fukuoka. However, this time with the volcano problems and tsunami warnings also going happening with Hawaii, we were stressed for his father and stepmom since they're in Honolulu. There are many things going on with the Earth at this time, and it may be tough to see things in any sort of positive light! But when faced with adversity, you also can't give up or give in!! I was surprised to see so many negative postings on Twitter about the Japanese getting back to work so soon after this happened. But if you don't understand their culture, I guess it may seem somewhat unsympathetic to their people's needs. At the same time though, what else should they be doing?! Sitting around saying woe is me?? That's just not how they do it. What has happened can not be changed but they will still try to find the good in what is a difficult situation and move forward. Unfortunately it doesn't appear as though things are moving as quickly to help the people without electricity, food and water. But if you would like to donate to help out in even a small way, PC Mag has a list of organizations and how to donate. Even the smallest amount of help will be greatly appreciated!

Ok so now it's time to get onto the Tarotscopes.. and hey just remember, if things come up stressful, it doesn't mean you can't come out back on top of things!! I also went back to using the Gilded Tarot this week as well. Was definitely interesting to see how the cards came out! Also, if there's a deck you would like to see me use on here, send me a message.. I have MANY decks available!

Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- The shoreline might look as though it's closer than it appears, but don't jump ship and make a swim for it to get there sooner!! This week you'll need to make sure things are even more in order than you think they have been. Otherwise, you may end up finding out that someone else has been steering your ship way off course! Caution is key right now and by the time the week ends, if you've been able to re-evaluate where things were going, you should find a new path that will bring you exactly to your destination without any detours!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- Life has been anything but kind to you lately Taurus! But at the same time, are you really doing anything to change the ties that bind? This week you could end up seeing that if things are ever going to change, you might need to be the one to put your foot down! This is all about give and take. And you've done your fair share of both, but at the same time some responsibilities have been falling by the wayside. If you're ready for things to finally become stable, this week is the perfect time to get started on making things right in life again!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- This week you might feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under you! Maybe you saw this coming but didn't really want to believe it. On the flipside, maybe you're wishing and hoping for something to happen that is way out of reach. This card has many interpretations and the way you are pursuing the outcome may be seen more as wishful thinking without the action being put behind it. Take this time to think about how you're going about achieving what it is you're after. Having dreams and aspirations is encouraging, but a dose of realism is also needed.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Family life will most likely be a big focus this week for you Cancers. The problem is you won't be able to fix things quite as easily as you'd like. Something will be encroaching onto the family; work, other people, etc. You'll need to take the time to let those around you that you can work together to keep things running smoothly. If they don't want to hear what you have to say, don't push the situation, it'll only make it more difficult. Look at your own contributions as well to make sure you're not overlooking any responsibilities to the situation that's been created.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Usually you have no problems putting yourself out there! But this week you could find it easier to just stay home or hold back from voicing your opinion. Sometimes things end up beyond our control and now is one of those times where you'll need to take a step back from trying to force your way. If you're trying to break the rules, it's going to come back to bite you. You're not close to the finish line yet and there isn't a way to speed things up, so don't feel like you have all the answers to what's going on or you could end up with more problems you weren't even expecting.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)-This week you might be ready for a little appreciation! You've been keeping things running pretty smoothly lately and those around you are enjoying the benefits.. but is a little help or appreciation too much to ask for!? It shouldn't be! And it's not that you're not appreciated, it's just probably not shown as much as you'd like it to be. You do things so well that it's just become expected you know what you're doing without even trying! If you need a time out from things, go do something fun for yourself!! Things won't fall apart if you step away from your kingdom for very long!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- You'll find it's less about them and more about yourself this week! Working towards exactly what you want for yourself and doing it your way! You've reclaimed yourself in a sense and have a greater appreciation for just who you really are. Things feel limitless right now and even the smallest accomplishments are making you proud. Some may try to knock you down from feeling so free, but you're not about to let any sort of negativity get in your way! At this point you might not even notice those sorts of antics, you're too focused on pushing yourself! Keep on this path and you're definitely sure to go far!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- It might be wise to take the advice of others this week. If you've found that you're at a point of survival and need to take the next step in things, you won't be able to do it alone and you'll need to be sure of what your driving force behind things is. If you're letting fear overtake you from being able to really move forward, don't let your pride get in the way of asking for help. You want to succeed don't you? Have faith and strength that others are wanting you to succeed just as much as you do! You could end up feeling even more closer to those you reach out to!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Jupiter is your ruling planet in Astrology and also the ruling card for the Wheel of Fortune! Generally within Tarot, Temperance is seen as the card associated with Sagittarius, however with the good fortune of Jupiter this card aptly is describing things that are going on within your life this week. Things may not have been going quite as well as you've liked them to, but that's all about to change! Don't feel that success has to come at a price or struggle. You will need to learn to juggle your work with play though. Just try to make work more fun and it won't be a problem!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- This may be the time you get that partnership you've been looking for! It may be a relationship, but can also be within your career or even a rekindling of a relationship that has gone off course. Emotionally it may be tough to wrestle these feelings, you're quite used to being rational. But sometimes you do like to throw caution to the wind.. and now is the time if you're really wanting this connection to work in your best interest. If you've been wondering where things are headed, all the questions you've had are finally  going to be answered. Take this win, you deserve it!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- This week could have you feel like you're running in circles! Don't become to frustrated if others are pushing your buttons more than normal. This could be all part of their plan! You can easily see all sides to a situation, but right now it could be tough to see where someone is coming from. Especially if they're being less than honest with you! You'll need to try and refrain from feeding into that negative energy, even if you feel it's for the good of more than just yourself. Either way, it doesn't seem like you'll win this battle... but don't worry, they won't either!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Right now you'll need to buckle down for some serious work if it's going to turn out how you'd like it to. As with many themes this week, there's no easy way out for you either! On the other hand, make sure you're working towards what you're really wanting and not fulfilling someone elses agenda! You may feel as though you're being taken advantage of, but it may be better to find that out now rather than later. Just pick up what you are left with and continue to move forward towards what you're really looking for. Intuitively, you know exactly what you should be doing.

As always, if you'd like a psychic, tarot, or astrology reading you can send me a message at facebook or my email.  Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Many Blessings!

January 17th - 23rd Tarotscopes

"All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality." ~David Allen Coe

"Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish." ~Albert Einstein

Yes these may be a little late, but I was busy with homeschooling most of the day with the kids teaching them about equality and some more history lessons that I thought were important to know.. and besides, sometimes I run more on "Pagan Standard Time"! LOL! With today being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I figured we needed a little bit of a "political" sort of image to go along with the intro! I thought this one was rather humorous, but also makes a lot of sense at times considering the inequality that is still being placed upon people. Late last week a group I'm in was asked to share what their core values were.. which didn't end up going over so great. Mostly because there are still some fragmented issues that are being worked out. Now, we might not all agree or believe in the same things in life.. but I really hope someday that we all can come to some sort of agreement to RESPECT one another for our own beliefs and decisions in life. Not everyone is going to want to walk in steel toe boots, just as not everyone is going to want to walk in designer heels. But hey, to each their own!!

You might've noticed I switched up the cards once again too!! I absolutely LOVE this deck! In fact, before I started using the Gilded TarotGilded Tarot, I used this deck, the Robin Wood TarotRobin Wood Tarot for about 10 years. It really had NEVER failed me and always consistently gave me exceptional readings! So I just wanted to share it's imagery for yet another shining example of a great deck you might want to add to your collection! And on to the Tarotscopes....

8 of Pentacles
Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)- You're starting to realize that you need some patience in getting the improvement you're looking for. Things aren't just going to happen overnight! Which means you're probably going to make some mistakes, but that's OK! You just need to keep going and learn what isn't going to work for you. This doesn't mean to give up on any ongoing projects.. you might just need to work at things in a different way! Take some time to reorganize. Your circumstances are on the way to being better, but you cant assert your way on to things. Be consistent and diligent in your efforts and you'll see your perseverance pay off!

9 of Wands Reversed
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- If anything, this week could have you questioning things once again! IS it really worth the fight? You might really have to go at it alone at this point. Just what is it you're really wanting anyways? If you feel this is something you have to prove to yourself, take a look back and see that the proof has already been there in the past. You may be knocked down, but don't count yourself down for the count yet! You're only defeated if you believe you are. You have the strength and willpower to carry on, you just need to be focused on your reason why!

Ace of Swords
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Things are really starting to come in to focus for you! You feel alert and mentally stimulated for any challenges that might come about. But try not to get too far ahead of yourself.. you might be ready to take things to the next level and put things into action, but that doesn't mean you're not setting yourself up for creating some drama. As like last week, you need to go with the flow and allow yourself more of a reaction to the situations you're in. Have the courage and faith within yourself that things are moving in the right direction and any anxieties will easily clear up!

Ace of Wands
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- You've been talking the talk, and now you're walking the walk! You'll definitely see a difference in yourself this week and really realize just what it is you're capable of! Though you might want to run with this new found energy rather than just walk. Either way, your motivation levels are going to be pretty high this week as you continue to push yourself to achieve more! And why not be excited for the opportunities you've created for yourself?! This may have been something you've been working at in the past, but never really put the effort in. NOW is the time to get that recognition, so GO FOR IT!

Knight of Cups Reversed
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Cheer up Charlie! It's not the time to get lost in the melodrama or worry about how things could of been.. there's nothing you can do to change that now. But if you get lost in this world of doom and gloom, it's only going to be harder to get yourself into the light and get moving again towards what is any sort of optimism. How about the glass being neither half full or half empty?! There's just some sort of fluid in it!! At least it's not completely gone! Life is only going to become what you make it. Make it BETTER!

Queen of Cups
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You might've seen this week coming from a mile away! But you could need to watch yourself though if you feel someone is going about things in a way you didn't feel they would. Maybe they just changed their mind!? But is your opinion really needed, or are you just frustrated, or maybe even jealous, because of a decision YOU may have made? Just as they might have changed their mind, there's always room for you to change your thoughts on something as well. You could need to take a hard look at things though to come to the conclusion on what's right for yourself, just don't judge others.

Death Reversed
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- What an interesting card to get for you Libra's this week, since you really seem to strive for balance (or harmony, equality, etc.)! This could be showing you that it's not always the easiest to achieve.. sometimes something "bad" may have to come about to really have some "good" happen. Something may be causing you to be stagnant in moving forward. This really could even be, most likely, yourself.  Be open to receiving ideas that you might not resonate with, but are able to take away a new understanding from. Be open in seeing the beauty that can be in anything and everything!

Page of Swords
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- Sometimes you can be exceptionally brilliant, but just lack the discipline needed to carry through. And then you find it just as easy to give up. But fear not, as you should be able to find a way to come up with a solution to anything that could throw you off track this week! You might just end up with some extra inspiration too. Just make sure you're tackling things one at a time though and aren't taking up too many things you won't be able to handle or you could just throw it all in the wastebasket and move on completely from finishing any of it!

9 of Cups Reversed
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Alright, so things aren't turning out the way you had hoped for. At all! In fact, you probably ignored some warnings in the first place, but had really hoped for the best! It's not your fault, but now you're going to have to put some extra effort in to making things different. Otherwise, you know you'll be nowhere even close to what you were working towards! Upright this card is all about your dreams coming true.. but reversed, it's quite the opposite. So unless you want things to continue on this path, you're going to need to be the one to make it right.

4 of Pentacles Reversed
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- It might be time to sit down and go over your finances, or maybe just your attitude towards money. Make sure you're not just spending to spend and are really putting your money towards the things that are important and needed. If you're not overindulging yourself, make sure someone else isn't taking advantage of you.. Simultaneously, you might be being unreasonable towards someone if you think they owe you. Are you absolutely positive they do, or are you just being greedy and expecting it?! This week may really cause you some ruffled feathers, especially if you realize you're attitude towards money and possessions has turned unhealthy.

4 of Swords
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- You may once again feel stability coming back! Like the 4 walls of a house that holds up the roof, you're taking a moment to BREATHE and just reconnecting with yourself. Things may not have been completely resolved, but you're allowing yourself to see that you'll still be able to give yourself a break without totally stressing yourself out to the max to come to a conclusion. Give yourself the time to re-evaluate things and see if you can find a way to get yourself a little more time if that is what is needed to improve the situation you're in. You KNOW you'll have the answer sooner or later!

Judgment Reversed
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- This week you might feel as though it is almost the same as last week.. and it's not even Groundhog's Day yet! Are you not wanting to move forward? There's no shame in bringing the past into the present if you are able to learn and grow from it.. but if it's making you drag your feet or having you go back into old habits, you might want to ask yourself WHY? You have the wisdom and strength to know what will bring you happiness, but you will be the one that is in control of how much you'll allow yourself to experience it.

As always, if you'd like a reading you can send me a message at facebook or my email.  Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Many Blessings!

January 10th - 16th Tarotscopes

"Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend." ~ Lao Tzu

January is National Staying Healthy month.. why? I'm not sure! I can only assume it has something to do with New Years resolutions and how people vow to get healthier, lose weight, quit smoking, etc.. With meditation added into your regime to live a healthier life, you'll definitely notice the benefits! It's also been scientifically proven that meditation can help in many ways; reduction in levels of stress and anxiety, reducing depression, increased self-esteem, increased alertness and concentration, as well as higher creativity and intelligence. Physiological benefits include; lowered blood pressure, boosted immune system, lowered cholesterol levels, improvement in oxygen intake, and the prevention or control of pain in cases of chronic diseases.

If you would like some meditation tips, you can look through some of my labels as I know I have a few meditations posted on here! If you want some more help with meditation practices, you can feel free to send me a message at my email or facebook. You might notice, I've switched up this week's deck too!! This week's is the Osho Zen! It is a non-traditional deck consisting of 79 cards rather than the standard 78. And with a little bit of meditation being discussed, I figured we could use something a little more "zen". I hope you enjoy!!

Letting GoAries (Mar 21 - April 19)- Maybe things aren't going quite the way you thought they would.. and that's OK! You don't need to plan out every little detail. You've got to be open to new paths that open up along the way. Letting go can be done in a lot of ways. Giving your faith over is one way, just as drinking to oblivion is another! Either way, you still will move along and whether you see them coming or not, changes are always going to happen. Try not to blame yourself or the situations. Pick yourself up and keep going. Let go of any feelings of inadequacy and allow yourself to live in the moment.

IntegrationTaurus (April 20 - May 20)- Finding balance hasn't always been your strong suit! But somehow you might come to the realization that opposites attracts and you can't have light without the darkness! This could really have you questioning quite a bit though and the more you try to rationalize it, the more you find yourself in a struggle. You may just need to reach out to someone to find out if you're looking at things in the right light, otherwise you could just be making excuses. You'll find those with different opinions than your own might very well have good reasons for them.. but that doesn't make them right either!

Go with the FlowGemini (May 21 - June 20)- This week you really are seeing a difference in how things were from the last (check out the last sentence of last week's Tarotscope)! Things aren't too good to be true.. you're just realizing there's no sense in putting up the resistance! You might even feel yourself opening up emotionally in ways you'd never expected. Take this time to really enjoy the simple things for what they're worth. There's no reason to find anything to complicate things or create any unnecessary drama. Just keep following this path and you're sure to end up exactly where you're meant to be!

The SourceCancer (June 21 - July 22)- You're really feeling more like yourself this week and seeing the connection in life. Tap into the infinite source of energy to further your ability to intuitively know your path. Push any doubts or fears out of the way and FEEL the love and happiness you create for yourself and others. The more you give towards this feeling of gratitude, the more you receive and the more you want it! Not only that, it's an endless cycle! So keep feeding the source and get the nourishment back you've felt was missing. You're on your way to achieving great things!

BreakthroughLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Things might not be quite where you thought they would be.. but don't give up hope yet! If last week still has your head spinning, you just need to give yourself a little sit down and see what you're not wanting to take responsibility for, or where you're allowing others to take advantage of you. Either way, you'll be able to achieve a breakthrough if your honest with your situation. Don't fight to make things "fair", life rarely is.. It's your decision on what you want to give your power towards. Make sure it's for the greater good of all!

The BurdenVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Oh Virgo.. if life could get any more complicated for ya, right?! This week you might just feel that way! Continuing from last week, you just feel as if you're going at things alone. Any sort of backing you could have just seems to fall short of your expectations. And right now your expectations haven't been all that high as they usually are. Right now you can expect to shoulder the burden alone. Make the best of it. At the end of the day, you'll see how much you're able to accomplish on your own. And in some ways, that can be a blessing in itself.

The LoversLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Communications are high this week and you've been able to find a renewed appreciation for speaking your mind! This is a time to go forth in what you're wanting. That feeling of a new relationship where anything is possible is exactly the energy you can harness. Your inspired to make a difference and your intuition is heightened. It's your choice right now in where you are going to take life. You might feel as though you need to make decisions regarding what you think is "right" but you need to stay true to your self. Be innovative with your thinking and it will bring you happiness.

SupressionScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- You might just need to take a step back from things. You won't be able to break these walls down alone, but that probably won't stop you from trying! This week you could just be trying to do it all, be everything to everyone. And at the same time you might be feeling resentment creeping in. You'll need to realize you most likely brought this on yourself if you felt you could do it "better". If your energy levels are waning and you just feel like giving up.. find something else to take a break with. And then ask for some help! Your way isn't the only way!

PoliticsSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- The interesting thing is that this card is technically the same as last week's, but this time it's upright! Thankfully your eyes are open to the situation now, but that doesn't mean you're all that happy with what's about to come about. You're not really one for confrontation and you've tried to be nice about it... but confrontation won't work either at this point! So you'll need to see what sort of other route you can take. Sometimes you have to catch those flies with honey. Honesty is your best policy, but in this instance, they already know that about you! You need to take a stance.

Clinging to the PastCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Well you might just have reached the end of the line.. but right now there's no better place to be. You know the way you've been going about things hasn't been helping, or healthy, for some time! It's time to shed that feeling of what-if-things-went-different.. because they did. And in time, things will be different again! You'll need to give these feelings some rest and move forward into seeing what is right in front of you. Otherwise, you might just wish that things had gone different again. Try not to feel as what happened in the past was "better", it just WAS. Shift focus to what IS and WILL BE!

GuidanceAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- This week you could find that inspiration you had has now slipped through your fingers. You could have put some of it to good use but then felt that you needed a break.. and then just kinda stayed in that lazy mode. Hey, it happens! Just don't expect anyone to have good advice on how to get you motivated again. That's up to you to figure out! If you want the results, you're going to have to put in the effort. Try not to get discouraged if things don't turn around quick.. think about it like learning to ride a bike, you can't get your motivation back in one try either.

InnocencePisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Things might just be a tad confusing.. but by the end of the week, peace should be restored and you'll have a new shining light to follow. You might not want to listen to reason, but this isn't the time to be led astray by someone or something. Take things into better consideration before blindly stepping into something you're not ready for.. even if you THINK you're ready for it, something will give you reason to pause. Listen to your instincts and avoid any unwanted stress you could cause for yourself. You already have the answers, don't think they're any different or will change.

As always, if you'd like a reading you can send me a message at facebook or my email.  Hope you all have a great week!

Many Blessings!

January 3rd - 9th Tarotscopes

Ok, Ok... so I *thought* once we had moved things were going to be rather easy to settle in to.. but when is moving in with your mother-in-law EVER easy?! LOL! Plus let's not forget the holidays and since I've got 2 youngins to homeschool AND entertain in a new house while most of their stuff is in storage, well, it hasn't been easy to say the least. But.. at the same time, in order to keep my sanity, I'll definitely be writing a little more! ;) At least that is until we end up moving once again.. but that's an entirely other story that I'm sure you can see more on my facebook rather than here, which I try to keep more informative rather than me ranting and raving! LOL! Soooo, on that note, here we are once again with Tarotscopes for the week!!! I've truly missed doing them!

ace of swordsAries (Mar 21 - April 19)- You're ready for a new beginning to things, or maybe you're just wanting some recognition for the things you've been accomplishing! Either way this week is bringing you a fresh start and you're up for the challenges. This might bring a little bit of tension, but don't fret.. they won't last long! Despite any opposition that might come about, you're able to succeed. If you feel like another approach is needed, you're sure to come up with plenty of alternative methods to pursue what it is you're after! Have faith in yourself in knowing you're really trying to make yourself and those around you happier in the long run!

page of cupsTaurus (April 20 - May 20)- You might need to really think about how you go about your approach to things this week! If you're waiting for things to just work out on their own, well you're gonna keep on waiting! If you want things to change, you're going to need to put the effort in! Your work situation might take another turn and could leave you a little stressed that you went about things in the wrong way or you put your eggs in one basket. Now is the time to really start thinking about what it is you're after in life. Otherwise, it's going to keep passing on by!

the foolGemini (May 21 - June 20)- This week you're going to need to put some faith and trust in things are working out exactly how they need to be! You're optimistic it is, but you might start to question the "HOW" of everything. Realize that you already have the answers to your questions and you've been purposely manifesting things this way! As time goes on, things are going to keep falling into place effortlessly. Just don't feel as though you need to take "control" of the situation! Either way if you're just going with the flow or you do start to question things.. you'll realize you're still moving forward!

judgement reversedCancer (June 21 - July 22)- You thought things were supposed to be getting better, but it just seems like the same old things keep dragging you down! If you need some help, ASK FOR IT! If the projects you've taken on are proving too much.. try to work through them in smaller increments rather than focusing on the end result so much. It just takes steps to get there, it's not magickally going to finish quickly just because you'd like it too! The end result WILL be worth it though and is really would you've been working towards. When you get there, think of the accomplishment you'll feel! Just keep going!!!

3 of swordsLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)- Oh the dreaded 3 of Swords! Nothing quite like this visual to make you go "uh oh". But don't panic! There could be some delays, but ultimately they're going to be favorable. Besides, there's nothing a Leo can't overcome! The results might not be what you expect, but that doesn't mean that you failed. It just means it wasn't supposed to come about the way you thought it would! Whether you like it or not, changes are happening and you're going to need to adjust yourself accordingly. It doesn't mean hope is lost, it just means you'll need to expect something different for now!

the empressVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You could feel as though your patience is running thin this week. You've really been focused on trying to nurture everything around you. But something feels a little "off". Maybe giving yourself a break and relaxing for a bit is just what you need!? If you remember how to do that! Right now you need to focus a little more of "being" rather than "doing". Those around you are going to be much happier if you do that too! You don't want to be seen as a nag! But you do need to remember to take care of yourself, otherwise how are you supposed to take care of others?

the sun reversedLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Try not to over analyze things this week! If you're giving your personal power over to others, this is the time to reclaim it! Things can't be what you want them to if you're not being honest with yourself or those around you. Even if it means someone gets hurt. Sometimes the truth hurts.. but lies won't help anyone! It could be a little exhausting and daunting trying to figure out which direction to take things, but as long as you follow your heart and intuition, it'll work out for the best. Just make sure you don't let anyone influence you differently!

7 of pentaclesScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- This week will be an exercise in your patience! You've done what you could and now you just get to wait to reap the benefits! Try not to let any anxieties creep in that there's still more that you need to squeeze in. It's all alright! If you're worried about keeping up with the momentum you've established, give yourself a breather! There's no way you're just going to let things fall by the wayside. When it's time, you'll pick back up, till the land and be ready to plant some new seeds of growth! Why not try sharing your knowledge with someone else for now?

7 of swords reversedSagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- You'll definitely need to consider watching your back this week. If you really want things to get back in order, you'll need to make sure you're not trying to take any shortcuts.. or relying on someone to save you. You know you have the gusto to make things right and everyone would definitely appreciate it if you took the reigns a little more right now! Just make sure you're going at it in the right way or you might cause yourself even more headaches if you aren't careful. But by the end of the week, you'll see what you're capable of and others will too!

5 of wands reversedCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Sometimes you have a total knack for standing in your own way. Or just having a self defeatist attitude that what you can contribute isn't good enough! Not that you need to go charging into anything you're not ready for either! Right now it might be tough to go with the flow of things. But you know something has to change too and you're kinda at a loss at how to go about it. Even if you got what it was that you're thinking will make you happy.. would it really or would that want be replaced with something else? Take time to reflect.

ace of wandsAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- This week you're feeling more inspired than ever! Take this energy and put it to good use before you find it's gone. You'll be more than satisfied with what you can accomplish in your creations. While you're at it, why not invite some friends to get in on the action too and make a bonding experience out of it?! Your ideas will bring about some good breakthroughs in ways you didn't think possible. And your enthusiasm and zest will only spread like a wild fire giving others their own inspiration to take initiative in their lives as well! Go ahead and spread that passionate and transformative energy!

2 of cupsPisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- You could find yourself giving into your emotions this week. This card shows a joining of 2 energies. Sometimes this comes together naturally and other times it needs some work to flow harmoniously! You'll just need to make sure you're not over compensating for someone and are being true with your feelings. Doubt and fear might keep you from where you want to be, that's due to a lack of trust. You might need to look inward and also to someone else for some guidance. Communicate what it is you need and then let things take their course! This isn't a time to suppress yourself!

As always if you'd like a reading, you can send me a message at facebook or my email. Be sure to check out what I wrote for LivePerson's Weekend Lovescopes on Friday!! Hope you all had a wonderful New Years!!!

Many Blessings and have a great week everyone!