I'm offering up the most basic of journal pages; a daily tarot draw where you can record the date and time, deck used, your card keywords, feelings, interpretation, and evening reflection. There is a spot where you can either draw in the card you picked or you can scan and print a copy to attach! I didn't put any fancy graphics on it and left plenty of margin space if you'd like to modify it to go on pretty bordered paper or want to include your own doodles! I find it when you keep it simple, it's easier to take the time to keep with it! I'm including different formats so that you can either print out the page to add to a 3 ring binder or you can also save a digital format if you'd rather! When I started learning Tarot I'd had so many notebooks and even online journals with readings scribbled all throughout them and it was tough to find the cohesiveness in them! And I am forever trying to organize things to keep them as simple as possible in life! That's what makes this so much easier in that you can print out the page when you want or form it into a document that will be capable of searching! The purpose is just to get you going!! I'll be offering up some other pages as well to help bulk up your magickal journal or Book of Shadows, so definitely keep your eye out for those!
So in the meantime, feel free to snag this freebie!
You can also download the pdf or doc version! If you would like me to customize a journal page for you or you have any Tarot questions or would even like a reading; feel free to send me a message at facebook or at my email!
Have a fabulous weekend!
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