Source: via Andi on Pinterest |
"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." ~A. A. Milne
In keeping with my quest for organization.. I thought I would add this great pin that I found on Pinterest. I have been trying to get things a little more organized so that I can more effectively manage my time! Things the last few years have been a little less than organized and I've definitely seen my productivity slip! But I know that in being organized, things just come about soooo much easier! So I wanted to share that for anyone else that might have organization on their New Years resolutions!
There's actually quite a lot that I'm organizing.. some things will definitely be more apparent on the blog in the next coming weeks as a clean up things that are no longer serving their purpose and I'm going to be sharing some other newer charity works that I find important too! There's actually a blog post I'm editing that will be up shortly, so keep an eye out!
You'll notice I've switched up the cards I'm using too! I went with the somewhat traditional Rider Waite.. these are actually the Radiant Rider Waite, so they're a little more colorful than the standard And now before I end up rambling on anymore, here's this coming weeks Tarotscopes!!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)- Your ruling planet Venus moves into Capricorn and your 9th house of philosophy on Tuesday. This week might have you feeling like you need to "hurry up and wait"! Finding harmony between emotions and actions might be tough if you're expecting someone else to have the answers for you or you're not allowing for the unexpected to happen. Conflict may be hard to avoid at this point. Take responsibility and realize that the decisions you make have a lasting effect even if they bring about an immediate result. You WILL be successful, but it still requires work. DON'T allow yourself to settle for second best!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- With your ruling planet Mercury in your 8th house of sharing, with this card you could be feeling a little bit at a loss. Don't be left feeling like you're beating a dead horse! It's obviously time to let things go if you really want to move forward. Power struggles may be tough and if you've put your faith in someone else, you may see it's better to rely on your own abilities. This could make things even tougher if you feel like you have to start from scratch! And while you would like a break, just remember you're only given what you can handle. Life carries on!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- While things last week were starting to feel like they were falling into place, this week you'll be feeling you're juggling more than you can handle. Give yourself a break. And with Venus shifting over into your 7th house on Tuesday, relationships could bring about even more uncertainty and demands. Try not to be manipulative to get what you want. Even though you would like to achieve your ideal of "perfection", you might need to reel things in a little to maintain some sense of balance! Being able to compromise with things will end up saving you more aggravation in the long run!
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- The Sun is finishing out it's time in your 6th house before it moves into Aquarius on the 19th and routines are being re-established. After last week's shakedown, you know your worth and what you can accomplish! At least try and finish up any old projects to get them out of the way before you take on more. Just be careful you don't get too caught up in progress that you let everything else pass you by! Stay practical with things and don't be too motivated by greed or materialistic things. Money can't buy you love and that will become more apparent in the next couple weeks.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You can't just wish things to be different or keep pushing them under the rug! Throwing your hands up in the air and declaring you're DONE, isn't going to make all that much of a difference either. And you most certainly need to accept your responsibility in the situation you've created as well. You're definitely in an emotionally rough patch. If you need to reach out to someone that will really understand you, even if it's been a while since you last talked, DO IT! Even if you're worried about facing their judgement, you'll be pleasantly surprised that it won't happen. Besides, you're judging yourself more than enough right now.
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Finally things are starting to feel like they're on the right path! And when your ruling planet Venus moves into your 4th house of stability on Tuesday, your passion will be renewed though you'll feel as though you have a more realistic outlook in what you can achieve! You know this is the time to take action if you're expecting things to change for the better. Don't hesitate or question how things are going to come about, as long as you make a movement, you won't be able to slow it down! Stay positive and trust your instincts and you'll be surprised at what happens!
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)- This week will definitely try your patience! You've done what's needed to start things fresh, now you just have to wait for things to be finalized. It's ok if you're scared or anxious of the changes that are coming. If you're worried about whether you've made the right decision, put your focus into something else for a bit! When it's time, you'll be able to see that either way, you did what you felt was right! Try not to stress yourself out too much as you're bringing together your wants and your needs! You'll be much happier when your choices start bringing results!
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)- Are you feeling a little stuck in a rut? No one can change that but you. Though you may need to ask yourself if you're being a little critical. You may have felt a little downtrodden since October as your ruling planet Jupiter in your 7th house of balance has been in retrograde. But it's time to remember what you're capable of because when it resumes direct motion on the 30th, you'll be able to take things a new direction! Just remember that with any new endeavor that there's a learning curve and just because it doesn't seem like things might not be going right it doesn't mean you need to give up!
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Capricorn's Solar Returns are still coming about (HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y'ALL!) and as you embark on a new year for yourself, you'll be reflecting on what has happened the past year and what you're wanting to work on this coming year. Your ruling planet Saturn is in your 11th house of hopes and dreams and you're realizing that some things are no longer serving their purpose while other things need to be made peace with. If friendships have been strained, extend the olive branch. You may just be surprised at how things can easily get back on track. Give yourself some time before you go at things full force. You don't need to come across as needy.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- What a great card to get! Currently the Sun is in your 12th house of endings. And the World is the last card of the major arcana! In fact Aquarius is symbolized on the card with the other fixed signs. You definitely will be moving in a new direction with things, but while this new beginning comes about, it is directly related to the work you've been doing. Take it like a "promotion" of sorts! You're confident that you're exactly where you need to be! And you're appreciative of those that are on the path with you. Like the great circle of life, you're grateful for the highs and lows.. though this week you'll be on a total high!
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- You could end up with a couple eye rolls this week if you make things all about yourself! Pisces can be very dualistic in nature. One moment you might feel optimistic and the next you're ready to bawl or maybe even brawl! Usually you're very compassionate with others, but you might need to step back a little before you come across as impatient, even if you have the best intentions at heart. But don't take a step back too far that you seem to withdraw yourself from life. Even if things are running a little hot and cold, you'll need to find some balance between give and take!
I hope you enjoyed this week's Tarotscopes and if you'd like a reading, I can take a look at things more in depth! Feel free to send me a message at facebook or my email!
Many Blessings and have a great week everyone!
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