I wasn't sure of what I was going to focus on for sure for this week's intro.. But I had thought about that I had watched
Life of Pi and thought I would somehow incorporate the underlying message of it. Then I remembered that Ramadan begins on Tuesday! No I am not Muslim, but I do have friends that are. But I did like how in Life of Pi he identified himself as a Hindu, Catholic and Muslim! I could relate; as while I do lean more towards Paganism, I do consider myself Spiritual, and having grown up in both a Catholic and Baptist family; I believe in Jesus as well!
Ramadan consists of fasting for a month from dawn until sunset every day. During the daylight hours, Muslims refrain from consuming food and drinks, smoking, engaging in sex; and some even try not swear or get into arguments. Fasting is to help you to renew your body and mind and to deepen your awareness of the spirit within you, redirecting yourself from everyday activities and cleansing your soul from imperfections. Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection and how to better your self-discipline and self-control, to understand sacrifice, to have empathy and to encourage generosity to others who are less fortunate. Sounds very much like the Catholic Lent, though Lent is a little longer! And while as I said, I am not Muslim.. I think that since this New Moon is in Cancer, which is a time of new beginnings, I am going to partake in my own fast and see what I am able to reflect and learn from! I'll try and share as much as I can of my fast! But for now, it's time to share these Tarotscopes!!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- With the Cancer New Moon occurring in your 4th house of stability, you may be a little hesitant at the change that is coming and could wish you had a shell, or mountain top, where you could hide! Take the time to re-evaluate where this change is needed most and let your fears go. What has troubled you in the past no longer serves a purpose or gives you an excuse! Going in a new direction with things will bring about the support that you are looking for, even if it seems like you can't see the forest through the trees!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- Since your ruling planet Venus has been in playful Leo and your 4th house of domestic life, you've had a sense of bliss! And this week really looks like it will bring you some more harmony! If you've needed a reconciliation, with the sensitive Cancer New Moon in your 3rd house of communication, now would be a good time to approach them. Whether you are in a relationship, dating, or are trying to work with others in your career; finding a common ground in things will be more easier at this time. Stand by your passion and see the good you will be rewarded with!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- Your ruling planet Mercury is still retrograde for almost another two weeks! If you're frustrated that things haven't been able to go how you expected, or you're doubting yourself to be able to pull things off, take a step back and a deep breath! You'll need to be careful that you don't get into any arguments this week, or it might be blown out of proportion. With so much energy in your 2nd house of finances and self-worth, you could feel that a new career direction is needed. Decide what is really going to make you happiest and go for it when Mercury starts moving forward!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- The New Moon in your sign definitely will be bringing focus to a new beginning! You're ready to put the past behind you and start fresh... even if you know there's still a lot of work to be done! Any inner conflicts and doubt that you've had will be cast aside. While you may have been frustrated and feeling as though the work you have been doing has been unappreciated, others will be showing you just how grateful they are to have you in their lives! Putting the trust in yourself and trusting your instincts will bring you far this week! Life is "looking up"!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- You'll need to be careful this week that you don't give up on your goals. With so much focus in your 12th house of endings, you might be feeling your expectations are too high or that you won't be able to meet the demands to make things come about. Don't make excuses and keep the faith that if you keep with it, you'll be able to succeed! You may feel like you can't reach out to others for help, but you won't know if you don't ask! Put aside your pride and give yourself over to the Universe to provide some smooth sailing!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Like Gemini, your ruling planet Mercury is still retrograde. But for you, this is through your 11th house of friendships. You could receive some bad news or be subject to some negative gossip this week! Try not to let it get the better of you. You don't want to lash out and make the situation worse than it is! You may be questioning your role in life if your career dreams haven't manifested. If you've put yourself on the back burner, you may see this as the time to take come control for more success! It won't come easy, but you're willing to work for it!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- You might be feeling like others are standing in your way this week, or that you're needing to compromise more than your fair share as your ruling planet Venus is still in your 11th house of hopes and dreams. You'll need to be willing to open yourself up to other points of view. Even if you're able to meet complications head on, you might be better to take the higher road rather than trying to prove who's "right". Others assumptions of you may be off. Keep your priorities in check so that you'll be seen for who you really are!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)- Things may be changing at a rapid pace around you, but you'll still need to have some patience to keep your inner peace and balance! This week you'll need to be careful not to let your frustrations get the better of you and take them out on others. The New Moon in your 9th house of discovery has you questioning whether you're seeing things clearly and if the decisions you've made have been right. Wait until the 20th when Mercury goes direct before coming to any conclusions if things need to change any more than they have! Rely on your intuition more than trying to rationalizing anything at this point!

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)- The New Moon in your 8th house of sharing is opening you up to putting your trust in others. Just like yin/yang and the ebb and flow of the tides, you need to find a balance within yourself and being able to question what you hold as truth. You might not receive all the answers this week, but being able to see that change is needed will be the first step in allowing yourself to accept it. With your ruling planet Jupiter also residing in the 8th house currently, your optimism shines forth that you'll be able to stick with your commitments to change for the better!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Your ruling planet Saturn finally has turned direct after 6 months of being retrograde! And you're ready to move forward yourself! And with the New Moon in your 7th house of relationships, this week could bring a lot of focus to your love life. If you've held back your feelings, you might be ready to share them or if you have and are feeling like things have just been "stuck", you may be ready to move on from the situation. While this still can hurt, you know that you are wanting stability that is long lasting. You'll see that you CAN do it, you just need to stand up for yourself!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- While you may feel that you haven't had a break, it doesn't mean to use it as an excuse to keep from being responsible! The New Moon in your 6th house of routines will be shaking you to the core to show you that you need to do what is necessary to get the results you're wanting. You can't place the blame on anyone else, even if it seems unfair! Things may be a little frustrating if you aren't directing your focus on the greater good and are only focused on yourself. Try not to withdraw and lessen any resentment by allowing others to assist you in getting things back on track!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- With the stingy Cancer New Moon in your 5th house of fun, you might be questioning if you can afford it. Take it easy and quit stressing so much!! If it's that much of a concern, focus on some things that are fun that don't require a lot of money that will still create memories; a picnic in the park, a window "shopping" stroll through antique stores, etc. The key this week is just to relax! If you've felt like you've been spinning your wheels trying to get ahead, put on the brakes, you won't get anywhere fast if you're losing sight at what to be thankful for with what's already in front of you!
So, these TOTALLY would have been posted yesterday... but I think my hubby jinxed us! We were both so on track and ahead of schedule with things and then BAM, we lose power for 4 hours!! To which part of what I had typed and THOUGHT I had saved
(darn Merc retro), got lost! But oh well, what can ya do!? Just gotta go with the flow! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this week's #Tarotscopes and if you would like a reading, please send me a message at my
email or
Have a great week and Many Blessings!!