OMG what a week we have coming up!! Uranus is going retrograde, there's a Grand Water Trine, Mercury is going direct; and next week looks just as dynamic but I'll save that for later!! There's probably a lot I could say right now after this crazy weekend.. but I'm sure that the majority of you have facebook and have seen enough commenting on the Zimmerman case that you're probably more than frustrated by it as with the commenting that took place at election time. So rather than throw my $.02 in on the subject, I'd rather put my focus into LOVE. Because that's more important and we need to STOP trying to prove who's right and wrong and START allowing everyone to have their own opinions, whether or not we agree with them. It's OK to not see eye to eye on every little thing. It doesn't mean you have to completely eradicate someone from your life just because they don't share the same feeling as you do. EVERYTHING has become so black and white that it's ridiculous! I mean how many colors do we have?! Blue isn't just blue even.. there's aquamarine, turquoise, navy blue, royal blue, etc. We need to STOP being so nitpicky and just LOVE. Give peace and forgiveness to others, let go of fear and judgement, and put our trust in that we can do what's right for ourselves and leave the rest to the Universe to figure out. Maybe some of you will agree with me and maybe not, but I'll still love y'all anyways!! Anyways, I've decided to go back to having all upright cards.. I'm not sure if I gave them a fair shot the first time around so I might keep them this way for a couple weeks. Send me a message or comment with what you think is better.. upright or having reversed included! Alrighty.. on to the Tarotscopes!!!

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- Your ruling planet Mars moved into Cancer over the weekend and now you're feeling like you have a new chance at making things more stable for yourself. A new job or move may be on the horizon and you could be questioning whether or not it is the right decision for you. Take the time to weigh out your pros and cons to your situations. If there have been problems with others you'll be able to sort through your differences and come to a resolution. You'll find your way, don't feel the need to rush anything and the answers will come to you shortly!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- You'll be able to work well with others this week, but you'll need to be careful that you don't compromise yourself to the point that you are resentful. If you've had some financial difficulties, you could find some assistance from someone else; though it wouldn't be monetary, they would lead you in the right direction to achieve stability for yourself. Try to reflect inward on what you are needing to find a balance between your wants and needs so that they may be manifested outward. It's time to let go of any doubt and fear you have of being successful!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- As your ruling planet Mercury's retrograde period comes to an end on Saturday, you'll be feeling the need to put a little more faith in yourself. Look to your intuition to find the best path to achieve your goals, it's time to put in the work that's needed and with this work will bring about a greater sense of pride and accomplishment! Stand strong against any naysayers and put your belief in your abilities.You may have let your inspiration or passion slide a little, but you'll soon be feeling re-energized and true friends will be encouraging you to dream big!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- This is the last week the Sun is in your sign before it glides over into Leo and your 2nd house of finances! You've been able to put in a LOT of work and this week has you pushing for more and what you are doing now is setting you up for more prosperity in the future! STICK WITH IT! You may be feeling weary from the work, but since Mars moved into your sign over the weekend, you may have a fire burning inside and getting a second wind! The stability that you are seeking is just around the corner! Work hard now and play hard later!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- The Sun is in your 12th house of endings and soon will be moving into your sign, but this week you are feeling like you're just stuck with not knowing which way to turn. You'll need to decide what is the best course of action and not try and put the responsibilities on someone else. This is YOUR time to start making a move and face reality! Even if some unexpected problems come about it doesn't mean the world is over. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on! You'll need to take chances if you expect things to change.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- Your ruling planet Mercury is coming to the end of it's retrograde on Saturday and for the good part of the week you'll be feeling like you're scrambling to finish up any projects you've left unattended. There may be some tension you face, but you could be getting some unexpected assistance from someone you didn't even consider. Try and cut yourself some slack if you aren't able to meet all the demands you're putting on yourself. You don't want to rush yourself and have to go back and re-do any previous work.While you know you didn't accomplish what you set out to do, it doesn't mean you don't have the time to get it done!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- You may have been trying to meet the needs of your community as your ruling planet Venus has been in your 11th house of friendships, but she's gearing up to change signs at the beginning of next week where you'll have a more realistic attitude as to what you can give to others. Your focus will begin to shift more this week and what it is you want for yourself. This may have others frustrated that you aren't giving them the attention that you had. While it may be tough to find your balance, allow your intuition to guide you in making your decisions.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)- The Grand Trine will be affecting you in a big way with Saturn in your sign trining Neptune in your 5th house of romance and Jupiter in your 9th house of ideals. But you'll need to be careful and realize you don't have all the answers. It's good to have a sense of integrity, but it doesn't mean that other's decisions need to meet your expectations. Pick your battles wisely! You may have to give something up in order to get what you're looking for but if you've been down this road before, others could question your intentions! What you decide now will affect you in the long run!

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)- With your ruling planet Jupiter in your 8th house of transformation involved in the Grand Trine with Neptune in your 4th house of stability and Saturn in your 12th house of faith, you'll be having a renewed sense of "I CAN DO IT" this week! Of course you know this comes from hard work and you're feeling inspired to put your focus in what makes you happiest. This may be a complete career overhaul if you've felt stuck in a rut! But your change in attitude will allow you to see the bigger picture and that practice makes perfect and with practice it becomes a stable routine!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Your ruling planet Saturn is reminding you to believe in your dreams as it's involvement in the Grand Trine to Neptune in your 3rd house of thought and Jupiter in your 7th house of relationships you'll be re-evaluating what you need to be happy in your commitments. It's time to let go of any control you are feeling and adjust your perception to your reality. This may bring about a complete new change in your life, but it really will be for the better! If you're ready for happiness you'll need to face the struggles that have been causing the delay, even if it has been your own stubbornness!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Things may feel as though they are shaping up to bring big changes! And with your ruling planet Uranus going into retrograde on Wednesday you might think that you've been giving too much to others and not enough to yourself. After all, your sign is humanitarian! You'll be expecting some recognition and may be a little pushy if you don't feel you are getting it. Take a step back and realize that the appreciation is there and will be acknowledged at the right time. You know that giving to other's brings you the greatest sense of unity, but sometimes it is good to put some energy back into your own well-being!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- You'll be feeling the effects of the Grand Trine with your ruling planet Neptune in your sign making aspects to Jupiter in your 5th house of fun and Saturn in your 9th house of philosophy you could be feeling like you've outgrown your ideals of prosperity. Your focus will be put into being more confident in what you can contribute rather than what you need to hold on to for yourself! Share your knowledge and allow others to bring their experiences to you to gain more understanding. Allow your creative nature to come about in letting you enjoy more of what life has to offer instead of being concerned with monetary gains.
Alrighty so these are a little later than last week's. The last week of Mercury retrograde is always one that does me in when it comes to writing and I had 2 other projects that were due as well so unfortunately I had to focus on them a little harder than usual! But hey, what can you do?! So I hope you enjoyed this week's Tarotscopes! And if you'd like me to take a look at things for ya, send me a quick message at my
email or
facebook and I'll be glad to!
Have a great week!!!
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