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Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- Venus in your 5th house of romance makes a flowing aspect to potent Pluto in your 9th house of ideals on Tuesday! You'll need to make sure that you keep your heart and head in balance or you might be led astray. Be careful of anyone making promises you know they won't keep.. as much as you would like to believe them this time. If you feel the need to make a change, just make sure it's not a complete 180 and you're being something you're not. Stay true to yourself even if it means you will make someone else unhappy.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- The Moon moves it's way into your 11th house of hopes and dreams early Monday morning and with you feeling a push to do more with your career you might be giving back to your "community" or helping motivate your co-workers. This week may bring about some recognition for your skills and you might even see some financial rewards coming about as well! While it's fantastic that you're making your way in your career, don't forget to enjoy yourself or to be thankful for the ones in your life that are helping you achieve your goals! Keep up the great work and be proud!
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- The Sun has now been in your sign for a full week and you're starting to have more optimism for yourself! At the end of the week as the Sun makes a trine to Uranus in your 9th house of visions you'll be able to see that the changes you've decided to make for yourself will leave you feeling more whole. This may concern your physical, mental, or emotional well-being, or even a balance between them! You've stepped out of your comfort zone and into the light! Take this chance to realize your deepest dreams and ride off into your sunset of happiness!
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- The 11th house can be one of revitalization and with your ruling planet Mercury making it's way through it and Venus currently in your sign, you might be feeling this week that you need to take a deeper look inside at what's going to make you happy. You may be confused at what your head is telling you; maybe you're feeling not good enough or that people would judge you. STOP IT! Your happiness is dependent on the choices you make for yourself, not by what others feel is best for you! Put your faith in your abilities and try not to rationalize things too much. Don't stand in your own way!
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- Your ruling planet Venus in your 12th house of endings has 2 meetups this week that could affect you in a big way. First on Tuesday it trines Pluto in your 4th house of security and then Friday makes a sextile to Mars in your 10th house of career! You'll be looking for a new direction to bring about the work you've been wanting. This may be confusing if you've made little shifts to change, but it might just come down to needing a complete overhaul! Don't put too much blame on yourself if you feel you've failed your original goals, it's all a learning experience!
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)- You'll be feeling a sense of common ground with others this week! And with Pluto in your 3rd house of communication aspecting with Venus in your 11th house of socializing on Tuesday, you might just find yourself where you've felt you've always needed to be! This acceptance gets to the core of your soul and the connections you'll build will carry over into a greater understanding of yourself and others. As Venus also makes an aspect to your traditional ruler Mars on Friday, you could find problems from the past being resolved and relationships will have a chance to be stronger than they've ever been!
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)- You're probably still feeling the aspect that occurred yesterday between Venus in your 10th house of career and your ruling planet Jupiter in your 8th house of transformation. Take this week to really decide what it is you want to do with your life! This really can bring you into a whole new realm of living life to the fullest! You might need to adjust the way you think you need to go about things though and maybe even step out on a ledge to ask for help. If you truly want the change, you'll be able to make it happen, but it won't be easy... change rarely is!
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- The Sun in your 8th house of intimacy made a square to your ruling planet Saturn over the weekend and this week you might find yourself needing to stand strong with your convictions! You may have been having a tough time deciding how much to assert yourself, but with Venus in your 9th house of ideals aspecting Pluto in your sign on Tuesday, you'll know that it's for the best to be completely honest with what you want and need. Even if the obstacles are still standing in the way, you'll be able to hold out hope that you're making the right decisions for yourself.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Things seem tough this week for you and as Mars in your 6th house of everyday life squares your ruling planet Uranus in your 3rd house of thought, you might be replaying past decisions over and over! You could be feeling like you missed your chance and are becoming frustrated as it seems like others have it easier than you. Reach out to someone for some guidance or understanding even if it just seems like you're complaining or venting! While you're not usually very emotional, you're allowed to be overwhelmed and have a bad day like everyone else! You'll have the support you need!
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- You might have a little bit of anxiety this week. It could just be that you're over thinking whether you're going about the right way in your projects or if others are going to think that you really know what you're doing causing you to have doubt in yourself! Take a deep breath and allow yourself to see that you don't have to relinquish your responsibilities on to someone else. You KNOW you are capable, but if you let others break you down, you could end up losing your cool and jeopardize your reputation. Have faith that you can persevere through any adversity!
Alrighty so thankfully I got these taken care of this week! But definitely keep your eyes peeled on Twitter for some updates I'll be making, or just follow my Pinterest account since I plan on putting quite a bit of things on there!! I've got other plans too but we'll see how far I get! LOL! So I hope you enjoyed this week's Tarotscopes! And if you'd like me to take a look at things for ya, send me a quick message at my email or facebook and I'll be glad to!
Have a great week!!!
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